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Notorious_Black Page
Wha Up Pimps And Hoes Thanx Fo Showin Some Luv And Stoppin By. Holla Back Young`n NOW LISTENIN : T.I. -- 24 Check Out RENEGADE_MUSIC If You Need Some Music And If We Don`t Have Want You Want Ask And We`ll Put It On Their Three Poems By Notorious Black For The Lady`s ****Ones Love Needed**** My Wants Are Simple. My Needs? They`re Few. I Ask For Nothing, Especially Of You. I Would Like Your Friendship, Not To Mention Some Trust. I`ll Always Be Honest, Always Felf This A Must. Time Has A Way Of Making Us Friends How Well We Get Along, On You And I, This Depends Let`s Share Some Stories, Maybe Even Some Songs. You Might Find You`ll Like It If You Tag Along. I Offer You Friendship, One Loyal And True. Nothing Much To Give... What I Have, I Give To You. As Our Hearts Pour Forth And We Share This And That, Let`s Become As One Now-- Don`t Toss Me In Your Hat. I Take Your Hand.. Hold It Warmly In Mine We Gaze Forever, Not Caring About Time. Oh, This Day Is So Special When I Met You. I Thank The Good Lord What Was One, Is Now Two. ****My Beautiful Angel**** God`s Greatest Creation, To Ever Walk His Earth. He Blessed This Mighty World The Second Of Your Birth. Your Eyes Are To Be Lost In, As Blue As The Bluest Sky. DeeperThan The MightyOceans, And Brighter Than The Sun`s Own light. Your Heart Is So Kind And Gentle As Warm As They Come, You`re Always There To Listen, When I NeedSomeone. A Voice Straight FromHeaven, With Words ToMeltMy Heart, AnEmptiness ComesOver Me, Whenever We`re Apart. I`d Call You An Angel, But I Know It Isn`t True. For Even The Most Beautiful Angel, Cannot Compare To You. ******Perfect Women****** Up Until Now, My Life Has Been A Real Bore, Then I Saw You, And My Jaw Hit The Floor. I Picked It Back Up, And Got Myself Together And Knew Right Then And There... i Could Be With You Forever. At That Moment, When Time Stood Still, I Knew I Liked You, And I Always Will. The Very First Time I Looked Into Your Eyes, I Saw Who You Were And So Much More, I Looked Straight Through To Your Heart, The Most Essential Part, And I Knew I`d Found What I`ve Been Looking For. I Knew, One Day, I Would See You Again, While Praying The Whole Time, That I Could Become Your Friend. You Made Me Feel, Like I`ve Never Felt Before, It Felt Like Butterflies In My Stomach Having A War. There`s Something About You, That Makes IT Hard To Look Away, It`s Hard Not Stare, At Your Beautiful Eyes And Hair, And It Makes Me Want To Stay. There`s Only One Of You, You`re One Of A Kind, That`s What Makes You Special, And Keeps You On My Mind. The World Is Filled With Beautiful Things, We Have Proof That This Is True, But In My Mind When It Comes To This, None Can Compare To You. The Sound Of Your Voice, Is Like A Melody Playing In My Mind, That Let`s Me Know For Sure... Never Again Will I Find Someone Like You. When I Look At You, You Know What I See? I See Definition, Of Beauty. Just Talking To You For A Moment, Can Change The Way I Feel, Just The Sound Of Your Voice, Has The Power To Heal. My Life Wouldn`t Be The Same, Without You In It, If I Could I Would, Be With You Each And Every Minute. Just Having You Here, Makes The World ABetter Place,AndThe Pain From Being Without You, Is Erased The Moment I See Your Beautiful Face. Everything About You, And Everything You Do, Is What MakesYou Absolutely Perfect, And Draws Me Near You.You`ve Become Someone ThatIs Now,More Special To Me, Than Anyone Else In The Whole Wide World, Could Ever Be. Ohh, And Your Smile, It Puts Me Under A Speell, And Reminds Me Of For Who My Heart Has Fell. It Brighyens Up The Whole World Around You, As Well As Your Face, An Image That No Other Can Compare To, Or Ever Erase - From My Mind. Never Again Could God Create Something So Perfect And True, He Must Have Had Something Truly Special In Mind - When He Made Perfect Women ***Taking By God*** My best friend you`ll always be no matter what, you were always there for me through thick and thin, better or worse you were the one I ran to first now the Lord has taken you away "good-bye" I did`t even get to say I know you`re in a better place I`ll wait for the day when I see your face It`s hard to believe you`re gone for good I wish all this could be understood It`s like a dream, but I`m awake why was it you the Lord had to take? you were always so careful all the time I don`t understand why the best friend taken was mine I know you`ll watch over me day and night I know you`ll never let me out of your sight It`s hard to let go of someone so close you were the friend I loved the most Don`t forget me wherever you are someday we`ll be together, until then- you`re my angel and star We`ll miss you NAPTOWN_NOTCH03 Before You Leave Sign The Book Let Me Tell You Some Things About Myself Im 6`2 And My Hair Is Always Faded Up And I Have Dark Brown Eyes And I Weight 196 Pounds. I Like Playin Basketball And Football. My Favorite NBA Team And Basketball Player is Philadelphia 76ers And Allen Iverson. I Don`t Really Watch Football Like I Watch Basketball So My Favorite Football Team Is N.Y. Jets. I Go To Broad Ripple High SchoolAnd The Class Of "04". ONLY THE STRONG WILL SURVIVE MzGoodyTwoShooz
Notorious_Black Profile Name: Renegade Renegade - A Deserter From One Faith, Cause, Or Allegiance To Another Renegade - An Individual Who Rejects Lawful Or Conventional Behavior. Age: 17 Aries Male Naptown A.K.A India-NAP-olis Race: Black Status: Heterosexual Class Of 2004 Activism: Cars, Computers, Music, Shopping, And Travel. Sports:Basketball AndFootball HipHop/Rap HollaBack Young`n