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  Most creditable historians and record keepers can testify to the fact that all great changes are the results of great events.  Whether they are by nature, accidental or by the intentional actions of individuals or groups.  So then there is only one crucial question that we all should ask and that is do we want to be the victims of such events or do we want to be the noble makers and shapers of   POSITIVE change.”













Here at Noble Events, we believe that in order to create a positive future, people must come together and take an active role in the creation of events, which work towards achieving goals that include a shared vision and commitment.  Many of our members are artists because artist share a common trait that allows them to visualize and bring forth the courage to attempt things that have never been accomplished before, and that exist outside the boundaries of what is average.


Founded in Los Angeles, California in 2003 when it’s originator had returned from Bohemia and realized that his American home had dramatically changed after the series of events, which became internationally visible on September the 11th and continued there after. These changes were based on fear and hatred and so the ripple effects on the world, were negative and quite expensive in terms of human progress. Noble Event founders realized that there was a need for the creation of positive events, which would have a great effect on people lives and on the future.


 WE the people of Nobel Events schedule and organize events, that support human beings in moving beyond the limits that  have been constructed by fear and that prevent the human condition from reaching its ultimate glory.