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Info On Me

About Me

I have brown eyes,dark blond hair thats layered a little above my sholders, about 5'3", petite, and I'm in the middle of trying to get that perfect tan LoL.


My BEST friend is Amanda. We've know each other since the 3rd grade. She's the one I can always count on to stick up for me and be there when I need her and I hope she knows I'll do the same thing for her. :) I have a few other really good friends too and they are: Amber,Jeannie, Chelsea, Stephanie, Shauna, Megan, Lindsay, and i think thats about it. If I forgot someone I'm sorry just tell me and i'll put you on too.Oh and for all you guyfriends sorry i left you out i didnt feel like putting all yalls names down LoL.

Hobbies and Interests

I like photography. My favorite things to photograph are flowers and other things in nature such as trees. I dont know why but I guess I like them because they don't move, complain(happy Jeannie? I fixed it.LoL)or say, "i looked stupid in that picture take another one."

I also love cats and kittens. I have my own but i think she was sent from the devil just to cause a commotion everywhere she goes. LoL but she is very cute and believe it or not sweet time to time. But She also has her stupid side....once she was laying in this tiny box and she started chasing her tail when she finally got ahold of it she hissed and started running around the house until she ran into the refrigerator LOLOLOLOL. I laughed soo hard on that one that I fell off of the couch.

Another thing I'm starting to get into is drawing and painting with pastels...I dont really know what started all this but my guess would be because my school actually hired a decent art teacher...The funny thing is during first semester i transfered out of her class after the first day because i thought she was wierd but now she's one of the best teachers i have!

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