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Nick's Bio
The Life of Nick Stepp:
Sometime in June (date and year not known), a baby boy was born to a wealthy mailman and an unhappy prostitute. Not meaning to have a child, nor wanting a child, they dropped him off in the middle of Africa, on their way to a vacation in Egypt. Kokohomojoe, the leader of an African Tribe, found him. He decided he liked the baby, and welcomed him into his tribe as one of their own, and gave him the name Mokeesho. Mokeesho became fluent in all types of African languages. He wore rags for clothes or none at all, participated in cannibalism, worshiped river gods, and learned to hunt. Mokeesho was a happy young boy. He had been interested in music most of his entire life. He learned to play the bongo drum when he was five. He even sang the national anthem of Swahili before every sacrifice. One fine Sunday afternoon, while Mokeesho was flirting with the primates of Africa, and a boy named Will spotted him. Will wanted to start a band, and had yet to find a lead singer and a guitar player. Mokeesho was singing love songs, trying to swoon the hearts of the primates when Will saw him. Will was immediately had fallen in love with Mokeesho's beautiful singing abilities. So he asked him if he would like to be in his band, to be the lead singer, and maybe even the guitar player. Mokeesho, who was very naive, agreed, mostly because Will was the only person that he had ever met of his own race. Will brought him to America where he taught him English and how to play the guitar. He also renamed him, because Mokeesho was no name for a boy living in America. He named him Nicholas David (Chaunce) Stepp. Nick has now found his biological parents, and lives in their basement.

By: Ashley Smith

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