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" When I feel well and in good humor , or when I am taking a drive or walking after a good meal, or in a night when I cannot sleep thoughts crowd into my mind as easily as you could wish. Where do they come from? I do not know and I have nothing to do with it . Those which please me I keep in my head and hum them ; at least others have told me I do so.

Once I have my theme another melody comes linking itself with the first one in accordance with the needs of the compositon as a whole ;the counterpoint , the parts for each instrument and all the melodic fragments at last produce the complete work. Then my soul is on fire with inspiration. The work grows ; I keep expanding it conceiving more and more clearly until I have the entire compossition finished in my head although it may be long.

Then my mind seizes it, as a glance of a eye would a beautiful picture or a handsome youth. It does not come to me successfully , with various parts worked out in detail , as they will later on. But it is in its entirety that my imagination let me hear it ."

-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart