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The Music of Kathleen Moore


Kathy's Music for Sale!

Samples of Kathy's Music!

Click on the links below to hear Kathy's Music!
Please note! You must have RealPlayer, Windows Media Player or another media player that will play MP3 files in order to listen. If your default media player does not launch automatically, paste the link below the samples into the address window of the media player you are using. Enjoy!

Open Your Eyes from Soulstice,
Copywright 1984 Ozer-Moore, all rights reserved.
Words and music written by C. Corea

Sing It Strongfrom What's Inside,
Copywright, Moore-Twiss, all rights reserved.

Fearless from What's Inside,
copywright Moore-Twiss, all rights reserved.

Window from What's Inside,
copywright, K. Moore, all rights reserved.

Coleman's Beat from What's Inside,
copywright K.Moore, all rights reserved.

Winter Sky from live performance at the Ark,
performance copywright Ozer-Moore, all rights reserved.
Words and music written by B.E. Wheeler.

Sugar from live performance at the Ark,
performance copywright Ozer-Moore, all rights reserved.
Words and music written by S. Turrentine

Fierce Love from live performance at the Ark,
performance copywright,
Ozer-Moore, copywright Ozer-Murphy all rights reserved.

To Order:
Please mail a check or money order made out to Kathleen Moore to the following address:
Kathleen Moore
408 W. Summit St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Allow 10 business days for personal checks to clear, and please include the address you would like the item/s shipped to, and which item/s you are purchasing.

If you have questions, would like more information, or have something you would like to share please email

If you are interested in Kathy's Singing, Voice and Music Therapy Studio,
please click here: Studio Homepage