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I hand built this state of the art gaming/multimedia computer, using a beautiful blue/crystal hand-made case, several coolers and my 2 years experience in computer modding and tweaking. The result is the fastest, stylish, coolest system available anywhere. This is a one of a kind custom build fully tested and burned in but brand new and unused.

Motherboard: P4C800 Deluxe, Intel 875P, 800Mhz set, AGP 8-x, DDR PC400, USB 2.0, Serial ATA, MultiRaid, IEEE 1394, ATX

Processor: INTEL Pentium 4 2.8C, 512 Cache

RDRAM 512 MB PC 800

36 GBSeegate Cheetah 15000 RPM

VideoCard: ASUS 128MB v9280TD

GeForce4 Ti4200, DDR, AGP 8x, TV-out

DVD Rom + CDD-RW Plextor 12x DVD & 20x/10x/40x

SoundBlaster Audigy 5.1

+ 6 driver&software CD's

+user guides


But this computer isn't just fastest, stylish and reliable. I have spent 2 weeks to make it really unique.

Polycarbonate clear case, with 2 two separate cooling systems: one for the CPU section, and the other for the drive Array section. The CPU portion uses 2 120mm intake fans on the top of case, in addition to 4, 50mm intake holes; which supply air that feed a 350mm 24volt exhaust fan on the rear of the case. As for the Array portion I used 3 80mm intakes fans that are side mounted and diverted across the drives by a custom baffle, and exhausted out the front cover via a slot in the center. Additionally there is a thermostatically control drive bus consisting of 20mm Panasonic fan that cool the Hot Swap Raid controller, that was taken from a Compaq NAS device and modified for the PC.

This construction allows you to have an eye on the system's temperature. But I think you will never need it because the cooling system is the best. You can be sure in system reliability. You can forget about overheating and unstable computer running. This unique cooling system gives you a huge cooling reserve and you can easily overclock this machine.


You must know that buying this computer system you don't buy just a standart, unsufficiently considered and planned factory-made computer. You buy UNIQUE, FINEST, COOLEST, FASTEST brand new computer which was hand built by the professional computer tweaker. BE ORIGINAL!