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Achto Aik Akalli Akan Akatl Aketzaliztika Akolli Akualli Akuekueyachin Altepetl Altia Amatl Amatlahtolmachiotl Amatlakuilo Amech Amehuan Amehuantin Ameyalli Amialo Amikiliztli Amilotl Amiki Amitla Amo Amo chipauak Amo Ihki Amo Kemah Amo Kimati Amo Melauak Amo Nelli Amo Ok Amo Tlamatini Amomachiliztli Amoxtlakuilo Amoxtli Amoxton Amoyihki An Aneuan Anmehuan Anmopampa Anmotlak Apamitl Apilhuan Atezkatl Atl Atlachik Atlakatl Atlapaktli Atluhtli Atoyatl Atzkatl Atzopelik Auh Auilti Axkan Ayektli Ayemo Ayok Azeh Chachapani Chalchiuitl Chanekeh Chantli Chia Chichia Chichik Chichikayotl Chichiltik Chichiualli Chikaualiztika Chiko Chinamatl Chipaktik Chipauak Chiua Choka Chokolatl Chopantok Ehekatl Elli Elpantli Elziziu Elziziuiliztli Epyollotl Etl Etztli Eua I Ichpochkonetl Ichpokatl Ichpokatzin Ichteki Ichtekiliztli Ihki Ihkuak Ihtotia Ihtotiani Ihuitl Ika Ikak Ikin Iknihtli Iknimeh Ikniuhtla Ikniuhtli Ikniuhyotika Ikniuhyotl Ikpalli Ikpatl Ikxitl Ilhuikatl Ilhuitl Ilnamiki Ilnamikiliztli Ilnamikoka Im In In In Inaitl Inin Inok Inon Inpampa Intlak Inuan Ipampa Ipampatokaitl Ipan Itechkakopa Itik Ititl Itla Itlak Itlanauilotl Itlanekiliztli Itta Ittaliztli Itzkuintli Itztak Itztik Itztli Iuah Iuan Ixkuaitl Ixkuamulli Ixmauiliztika Ixtelolohtli Ixtetl Ixuetzka Ixuetzkilia Iziuhka Izkalotl Iztak Iztatl Iztetl Kah Kaki Kaktli Kalaki Kalakia Kalakian Kalkuaitl Kalkuatl Kalli Kalpixki Kamatli, Kamatl Kampa Kanin Katli Kaxitl Kechkemitl Kechtli Kechulli Keketzalli Kemah Kenin Ki Ki Kiauitl Kimichi Kin Kin Kin Kin Moztla Kitza Kiuai Kiyauak Koatl Kochi Kochiantli Kochtok Kokolizkui Kokoliztli Kokonetl Kokoxkalli Kokoxki Kokoya Kolli Konetl Koua Koualiztli Koatl Koyotl Kozkakuahtli Kozkatl Koztik Kua Kuaitl Kuakuatzin Kualchichiua Kualiztli Kualli Kualo Kualyotika Kuate Kuatliliztli Kuauhtli Kuauitl Kuautla, Kuautlatl Kueitl Kuezpallin Kui Kuika Kuikatl Kuikatzin Kuiloa Machiotl Machtia Mahpiliztetl Mahpilli Maitl Maka Makpa Maktlaktik Malinalli Man Mani Mati Matzatzalli Mauiz Mauiztik Mauiztika Mauiztli Mayana Mayekantli Mazatl Mazeual Melauak Melauakayotika Meme Memeya Metztli Mexikatl Mexikayotl Miak Miakia Michih Michmaliztli Michpipiloa Michpipiloani Michtl Miki Mikiliztli Mikiztli Milli Milpa Mimichma Mitotiani Mitz Mixtli Miztli Mizton Mo Mochi Mopampa Motlak Motolinia Motta Mouan Moztla Muchi Nakatl Nakaztli Namaka Nankilia Nantli Nantzin Napilpaleno Napolnemoani Nauak Naualiztli Nauatiani Nauatl Nauti Nealtiloyan Nech Neh Nehnemi Nehnemini Nehua Nehuatl Nekah Neki Nekutli Nelli Nemachtia Nemachtiliztli Nemachtiloyan Nemi Nemilizpoa Nemiliztli Nemotemi Nenepilli Nenetl Nepantla Netechitzuma Netlakuitlauiliztli Netotiliztli Netzaualiztli Neuan Neuatika Ni Niach Nik Nikan Nikin Ninan Niuetzka No Nochipa Nonotzalitlan Nopampa Notla Notlak Notza Nouan Ohtlatoki Ohtli Ok Okachi Oknepa Oktli Okualkan Okzenka Okzepa Ollin Omitl Ompa Onka Onok Opochmaitl Opochtli Oya Ozelotl Ozomatli Oztotl Pahti Pahtia Pahtli Pakayo Paki Pakiliztika Pakiltia Pakini Paleui Paleuiliztli Paltel Pano Panoayan Panoliztli Papaki Papakiliztika Papakiliztli Papakiltia Papakiltililia Papakini Papalotl Patich Patlani Patlantinemi Paxalo Paxalolistli Pechtli Pelkaxitl Petlaua Pia Pilanton Pilhuan Pilli Piltzin Piltzintli Pinki Pipilolli Pipitzoua Pitza Pitzolli Poa Poalli Pochteka, Pochtekatl Pochtekayotl Poktli Popoka Tahtli Tahtzin Tameme Te Tech Techpakializtli Teh Tehua Tehuantin Tehuantl Tehuantzin Teki Tekipanoa Tekipoliztli Tekiti Tekitl Tekiyotl Tekomatl Tekonalli Tekpatl Tema Temachtia Temachtik Temachtikalli Temachtikatzin Temachtiliztli Temachtiloyan Temazkalli Temi Temo Temoliztli Tenamik Tenamiki Tenankiliani Tenankiliztli Tenchal, Tenchalli Tenkochtli Tentli Tentzon Tentzontli Tenyo Teokalli Teokuikoztik Teokuiztak Teopixki Teotl Teotzin Tepahtializtli Tepamitl Tepantlakuilolli Tepetl Tepetzalan Tepilhuan Tepiltzin Tepitzin Tepoluaztli Tepozamauaztli Tepoztekiuaztli Tepoztekonalli Tepoztli Tetenamikiliztli Tetl Tetlan Tetoka Tetokani Teuan Tezkatl Ti Ti Tiankiz, Tiankiztli Tik, Tikin Tikoankoke Tizatl Tiziti Tizitl Tiziyotl Tla Tlachializtli Tlachialoyan Tlachikayotl Tlahkan Tlahko Tlahkotonalli Tlahkotonalpan Tlahpaloa Tlahpalotiuala Tlahpalotzin Tlahto Tlahtoani Tlahtolkalli Tlahtolli Tlahtolmachiotl Tlahyeulli Tlai Tlaixmatiliztli Tlakamichin Tlakanakatl Tlakanakayotl Tlakanamik Tlakapahtliani Tlakatekutzintli Tlakatl Tlakolia Tlakolli Tlakopinalli Tlakpan Tlaktli Tlakualchikualoyan Tlakualoyan Tlakuatzin Tlakuika Tlakuikani Tlakuikoni Tlakuilo Tlakuilolli Tlakuiloloyan Tlakuitlapahpa Tlalli Tlalnamiki Tlalnamikiliztli Tlalpantli Tlalpizaliztli Tlamachtia Tlamachtikalli Tlamachtikatzin Tlamachtiliztli Tlamachtilli Tlamachtiloyan Tlamatini Tlamayekantli Tlamiki Tlanamakak Tlanauilotl Tlanelamatl Tlanezi Tlaneztli Tlania Tlaniztli Tlantli Tlaolli Tlapalakia Tlapalli Tlapalotzin Tlapechtli Tlapetlani Tlapoa Tlapocholkuautli Tlapoka Tlapopoluaztli Tlapouilia Tlatataktli Tlatekoni Tlateuiloni Tlatia Tlatik Tlatlaliani Tlatlania Tlatlanilli Tlatlauhtia Tlatlauhtiliztli Tlatokani Tlatolikuiloani Tlatuilli Tlatza Tlatzakilli Tlauelilok Tlauilia Tlauilli Tlauitekiliztli Tlaxkalli Tlaxkuaitl Tlayolli Tlazintla Tlazohkamatli! Tlazohtla Tlazohtlanantzin Tlazohtli Tlazohtzin Tleika? Tlein Tleko Tlekoliztli Tlekuetzalotia Tlekuetzalotl Tlekuilli Tlen Tliltik To Tochtli Toka Tokaitl Tokiliztli Tomini Tonalamatl Tonalli Tonalpoalli Tonatiuh Tonaya Tontli Topampa Totlak Totlamatokaya Totonal Totonia Totonki Tototl Tzakua Tzalampechtli Tzikitzin Tzikitzin Xumatli Tzikixumatli Tzinakatl Tzinkueitl Tzomonki Tzontekomatl Tzontli Tzopelia Tzopelik Tzopelilia Tzotzotl Tzuma Uallaliztli Uallauh Ualmati Uan Uaztli Uehka Uelihki Uelitin Uelmati Uetza Uetzka Uetzkiztli Ueue Ueuetl Ueyi Uipilli Uitz Uitzmallotl, Uitzomitl Uixachin Xalla Xalli Xalpa Xayakatli Xikipilli Xiuipoalli, Xiupoalli Xiumatli Xiutl Xochimakpiktli Xochitl Xochitlahtoani Xopiliztetl Xopilli Xoxoloa Xoxoltik Yakatl Yakatzotzomaktli Yalhua Yankuik Yauh Ye Yeh Yehua Yehuan Yehuantin Yehuatl Yeipampa Yektik Yenelli Yolchikauak Yoliktika Yoliliztli Yollotl Yollotzin Youalli Youaltika Youatzinko Yuan Zanilia Zanillini Zanuelliuiztika Zatepan Zatepantika Zazan Zekin Zekui Zenkaui Zente Zente Tepitzin Zentli Zentzontli Zepan Zepanichtoton Zeui Zeuia Zeuiliztli Zezentetl Zipaktli Zitlalli Zitlapopoka Zitli Ziuaiknihtli Ziuanamik Ziuanton Ziuapilhuan Ziuapilli Ziuapiltzintli Ziuatemachtik Ziuatemachtikatzin Ziuatl Zoltik Nahuatl Glossary First Never Canoe Nowhere Cane, reed Pride, proud Shoulder Bad Leech Town, village, villa To wash, to bathe Paper Newspaper Notary public You (plural) You (plural) You (plural Fountain Follow Immortality White fish To be thirsty Nothing No Dirty, Not clean Not like that Never Ignorant It is not true It is not certain Nevertheless, no Ignorant (person) Ignorance Book writer Book Notebook Not like that You (plural) With you (plural) You (plural) For you (plural) Near you (plural), with you (plural) Bridge Infertile, barren Lake Water Sweet water Bad Dirty Ravine, gully River Ant Soft drink, refreshment To go To play Today Bad, Evil Nevertheless, no Nevertheless, no In case, maybe, perhaps, Strong Jade, esmerald Family Home To look To make bitter Bitter Bitterness Red Breasts Valiant Fraction, part Chinampa (arable land atop water) Clean Clean To do To cry Chocolate deriving from cacao To be squashed, to be flattened Wind, air Liver Chest To gasp Gasp Pearl Bean Blood To get up Their (his, her) Daughter Girl Young lady To rob Robbery, theft Like that, like this When To dance Dancer Feather For To be standing When Brother Siblings (brothers and sisters) To be friends Friend Friendly Friendship Chair Thread Foot Cosmos, sky Party To think, to imagine, to consider Rememberance, reflection Rememberance Theirs (plural) The (singular and plural) Theirs (plural) To Arm This During, meanwhile, in the meantime That For them Near, with With them For him, her, it Pronoun Atop, above, on top Adverb Womb, stomach, belly Womb, stomach, abdomen Someone, something Near, with Splendor To desire, longing, yearning To see Vision, eyesight Dog White Cold Obsidian To go And Forehead Eyebrow Timidly Eye Nail (anatomical) To smile To smile at somebody Rapid, fast Resurgence White Salt Nail (anatomical) To be To listen, to hear Shoe To enter, to get in To put Enter Roof Roof House Porter Mouth Behind Where Which one, who Container, vessel Blouse Neck, collar Feather from a beautiful bird Plumage Yes How For (him/her) For (him/her) Rain Rat Until For them For them Until tomorrow To leave To rain Outside Snake To sleep Bedroom To be lying (down) To get sick Sickness Doll Hospital The sick one To be sick Grandfather Caricature To buy Merchandise Snake Coyote Vulture Collar Yellow To eat Head Pretty To cook Food Good Eclipse Kindness Friend, buddy, pal, twin Friendship Eagle Woods, forest, grove Tree, wood Skirt Lizard To take, to get To sing Song The art of singing To write Mold, model To teach, to instruct Fingernail Finger Hand To give In the hand Blue Grass What (subject) To be extended To know Ring, jewel, gem, piece of jewelry Honor, veneration, esteem Honorable Honor, veneration, esteem Honor, esteem, veneration To have hunger Right (directional) Deer People from the community Truth Truthfully, certainly, rightfully To carry To sprout, to bud Moon, month, leg Mexican Mexican culture, essence of the Mexican Many To be abundant Fish (plural), fishes Fishing To fish with a fishhook Fisher Fish To die Death Death Sementera In the sementera To fish with a net Dancer To you Cloud Lion Cat Your, Yours Everything For you Close to you, near you Poor To meet, to collide, to look (at each other) With you Tomorrow Everything Meat Ear To sell To respond, to answer Mom Mother (respectful) Thimble Vocabulary Near (something) The art of music To sound loud, clear, good Musician The four rivers Bathroom Me (to, for) I To walk Walker I I That To desire, to want Honey from bees Correct, truth To learn A lesson to learn School, a place of learning To live To count Life The last five days of the calendar Tongue Baby, doll In the middle To sew Caution A dance Breakfast With us To be seated I But 1st person semipronoun (see lesson 10) Here Semipronoun (see lesson 10) Later To laugh at somebody My Always, forever To consult For me Nearby, next to With me To name, to call With me To walk Road Nevertheless, still Even more, much more Forward Liquor Early Very Again Movement, rubber, ball Bone Over there, To see (hardly ever used) To be lying down To the left Left (directional) To degrain (corn) Jaguar Monkey Cave, cavern To heal To cure, to medicate Medication Pleasure To be joyful, to be content, to enjoy Happily, Joyfully To be happy Happiness To help Help Bag, a handbag To pass, to ford Passage, ford Voyage, crossing To be joyful Happiness Happy, content, joy To be happy Joy, cheer, happiness To be happy Butterfly Expensive To fly In flight, flying To have fun Fun Table Plate To soften, to growl To have, to retain, to keep Boy Son Son, boy Son, boy Little son, little boy Cheap Earring To kiss To blow Kiss To count, to enumerate The count (numerical) Merchant Concerning merchandise Smoke To smoke Dad Father Carrier Somebody, someone To us Happiness You You Us You You (respectful) To cut To work Caution To pay Work, tax, tribute, cut Concerning taxes Jail cell Pencil, charcoal Flintstone To bathe in vapors To teach someone Teacher, professor, instructor (male) School Teacher (male, respectful) Class Classroom Place of the vapor baths To be seated To put down (something) The slope Husband To kiss He who responds, answers Answer, response Chin Molars (back teeth) Lip Beard (hair on the chin) Mustache Fame House of energy Gold, sun ray Silver Priest Energy Sacred energy Cure Wall, mural Blackboard Mountain Valley Children (of an entire family) Son, boy Little, not much Fork Iron (appliance) Scissors Metallic pen Metal Kiss Rock Place of many rocks Name Undertaker (at a cemetery) With someone Mirror You Us Market Semipronoun (see lesson 10) To be seated in a circle Chalk To practice medicine Doctor, Curer Medical science Something (used in conjugations) View Window Plume of a bird Late Middle, half Middle of the day (noon) Noon To greet somebody To visit with a greeting Greeting To speak Speaker of the people Academy of language Language, word Alphabet Charity To drink News Catfish Human flesh Human body Husband Doctor Boss Person, man To give Present, gift Picture Up Torso, body Kitchen Dining room Opossum To sing Singer Knife Notary public Document, deed, writing Public writer Behind Earth, land To think, to imagine, to reflect Thought Floor Blow, puff, gust To study something, place of learning School Professor, teacher Class Student, alumni, disciple Classroom Elder To the right To sell Salesperson Splendor Certificate To awake Sunrise To ask Thigh Tooth Degrained corn To paint, to color Color Greeting Bed Lighting To open Sombrero To wash Eraser To narrate, to tell Tomb, burial, grave Knife Hammer To burn, to set fire to Inside Writer To ask A question To pray, to request Prayer, oration Planter Writer Dawn To throw something Wooden door Bad To light, to illuminate Light (artificial) Sun ray Tortilla Front Degrained corn Below Thank you To love, to want Native land Love, affection (feeling) Love, affection (respectful, personal) Why? What To bring up, to take up Rise, ascent To flash Flash of lightning, sudden blaze, explosion Bonfire, hearth, fireplace What Black Our, ours Rabbit To plant, to bury Name Cultivated field Money Physical calendar (on paper) Day Calendar system Sun Where the sun is born Disdain, contempt, scorn For us Near us, close to us Sense of feeling Present, gift To heat up Hot Bird To close, to put the cover on Zarape Small, little Small spoon Teaspoon Vampire, bat Ruffled skirt Broken, ripped, torn Head Innumerable, hair, four hundred (numerical value) To sweeten Sweet To sweeten Cloth, material, fabric, rag To sew Arrival To come, to arrive To visit And Utensil, machine, appliance Far away, distant Rapid Powerful, influential To be comfortable, to be content To laugh To laugh with someone Laughter Old (person) Drum Grand, big Shirt, loose shirt To arrive, to come (casually passing by) Needle Acacia Mound of sand Sand Sand Face, countenance Large bag Calendar system (count of the years) Spoon Year, herb Bouquet of flowers Flower Poet Toenail Toe To separate, to divide Green Nose Handerkerchief Yesterday New To go Already, now Him, her Him, her Them Them Him, her Because, for that reason, for him Elegant True, certain Brave, valiant, courageous Gentle, calm, slowly, serene Life Heart (anatomical) Heart (symbolic) Night Afternoon, Evening Early morning, day break With him, with her To recount, to narrate, to tell, to relate Story, tale, fable, account, legend Rapidly, quickly Last, final Lately, recently, ultimately Enough, sufficient One more To have thirst To end, to conclude A, an A little bit Corn on the cob Bird, of the four hundred warbles To unite, to join, to link, to equalize Equal (plural) Rest, relaxation To rest, to relax Rest, relaxation Each, each one Crocodile Star Comet Grandmother Sister Wife Girl Daughter Young lady Little daughter Teacher, professor, instructor (female) Teacher (female, respectful) Woman Old (things) Back to Main Page undefined undefined More... 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