Before Good Charlotte was Good Charlotte it was called 'The Benji Joel and Brian Band'

Billy's 1st show as an official member of the band was at Flecher's in Fells Point.

'My Brother's Place' would often be packed with GC fans who would leave before the headlining band would take the stage, leaving only 12 or so people at the show for the headlining band.

When GC first started out, they were on Fowl Records.

In high school, some jocks rubbed Ben Gay on Joel's balls.

Billy says he has a life sized poster of Daniel Johns (silverchair) in his rooms that he worships.

Joel likes rice krispy treats.

Paul doesnt understand why people love his hugs so much.

The twins have worked at the Gow Salon, Red River BBQ, and Annapolis Bar and Grille, and at one point Joel worked at Food Giant.

After Benji graduated he went to community college but was too busy with the band and job so he dropped out.

The twins are good friends with Jimmy HaHa of Jimmy's Chicken Shack.

Joel had the same boots for 6 years.

Billy was in a band called Overflow before he joined GC.

The twins cut off Billy's dreds and found a piece of Dorito in it.

According to Josh (the twins brother), the twins dont look good in pink shirts.

Benji dyed his hair pink because of Fraggle Rock.

Billy is a vegetarian and converted Benji too.

Lars from Rancid gave Benji a mohawl during the 2001 Warped Tour.

Billy's favorite rapper is Don Gilmore.

Benji's nose piercing was a Christman present.

Paul has a GC scooter.

Benji once drank pee.

Benji says Joel was like Ralph Wiggum in high school.

Joel doesnt like smiling in pictures.

Paul's bass has 5 strings.

Benji can juggle.

Paul's dream is to go home and stay there.

There producer was Don Gilmore, who has also produced Eve 6 and Lit.

The video for "The Little Things" was directed was Nigel Dicks and Mandy Moore played the part of Joel's ex-girlfriend.

Gc's demo was on Philadelphia's WPLY Y100 Cage Match for 15 nites in a row and had to be retired. This only happens 3 or 4 times a year.

All members of GC went to LaPlata high school. Benji and Joel graduated in 1997.

Benji and Joel used ot get prank calls from kids pretending to be record companies.

Benji and Joel once thought they invented a new chord only to find out from their music teacher, " That is the c chord, its been around since Beethoven."

When Benji was in grade school, he dressed up as Mike D. from the Beastie Boys on Star Day.

The bands 1st photo shoot was by their little sister. They used the photos in promotion packages along with a demo with the attached note, " You can sign us now for cheap or sign us later.

Benji has a list of career goals.

Benji and Joel are twins born 5 mins apart.

When Benji and Joel wrote the "Little Things" , Benji wrote the lyrics about their dad and Joel didnt want to sing them. They argued about that.

Joel says that when he sings the "Little Things" he blushes.

Joel drives a 1982 Volkswagon Rabbit convertible.

A fan once walked up to Joel and bit him to get his attention. He was not impressed.

Benji has played the guitar for 4 years, Billy played the guitar for 8 years, and Paul played the bass for 8 years.

Paul and Billy were the only ones who took music lessons for their musical instruments and they taught Benji a few things. Joel never took any lessons for anything and says, " I slept through high school."

Joel likes or has a 66 Nova II Car.

Joel likes girls in bands.

Joel and Benij love baseball and played in high school.

After the twins got kicked out of their apartment, they moved into Billy's house. ONe day, GC coaxed him into joining an im-promptu practice. A week later, Billy played his 1st show with the band.

An unsigned GC played with Blink 182, Bad Religion, and opened for Lit on a sold-out East Coast tour. They found local champions in the dee-jays at their beloved radio station WHFS, who began hiring GC to play station gigs and finally asked them to play the local stage at the HFSstival. In spring of 2000, GC made a bold career leap to HFSstival's 2nd stage, sharing the bill with Eve 6 and Nine Days. GC played many charity functions with the Annapolis Rape center to the Leukemia Foundation.

GC named themselves after a children's book called 'Good Charlotte'. The book is about a girl who was being bullied but her nanny called her good charlotte cuz she loves her.

GC writes their songs on acoustic guitar usually while jamming.

Lars tattoed journey to the end under Benji's Rancid tattoo.

Billy did his 1st tattoo on Benji.