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WARNING: The following content might be insulting to followers of this... this... 'thing' so U have been warned so I dont wana hear u telling me on my guest book or chat board that is coming how much u love her or how stupid u think this is or how fake it is or whatever... this is my opinion and my site and if u like Avril and dont wanna hear anything bad about her(heaven help us all, we might diss Avril) then dont read on.


*New York City*

Avril: *skipping* LALALALALA

*Gc come walking around the corner and see avril, cept Billy*

Paul,Benji,Joel: AHHHHHHHHH!

Avril: What? What is it? *looks behind her* I dont see anything.

Benji: Its discusting!!

Joel: Its a living nightmare!!

*Billy comes walking around the corner, sees avril and faints*

Paul: OMG!! YOU KILLED BILLY! you sick beastly thing you, i duno wat you are!

Avril: Oh ill tell you wat i am, lemme check!......yup ima girl


Joel: *runs over to Benji* Oh god Benji, youll be alright, its going to haunt you forever, but youll be alright.

*some guy comes down the street*

Some guy: OH!! is that avril?? YIKES! it contagious?

Avril: who are you?

Some guy: hey..."avril" have you heard of the sex pistols?

Avril: Oh are they sk8er bois?? did the eewwiez ppl make fun of them?

Some guy: HA! i knew you weren't really punk! *walks away*

Billy: *wakes up* huh? what happen?

Avril: HELLO!

Billy: uh....*faints again*


Joel: uhm..wat are you doing?

Avril: me? picking my nose! hey anyone got any questions for me?

Benji: yeh wats 2 + 2??

Avril: uhm...7? wait wat am i adding? the amounts of snot im pulling outta my nose?

Joel: NASTY! im outta here! bye guys..*runs away*

Paul: Me too, BYE! im taking Billy to the hospital!

Avril: oh ok BYE GUYZ!!! soo..benji? your a punk..and you wear eye liner JUST LIKE ME!

Benji: you know my name???

Avril: lets get married!!!!!!!!

Benji: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! WHY ME!!! AHH!!!!!..*cries and runs away* JOEL WAIT UP!!!

Avril: *shugs her shoulders and starts skipping again* LALALALA

*4 hours later, Gc see Avril again and Billy's at home in bed*

Avril: There you guyz are!!!

Benji: Lets kill her!!

Joel: Hang her by her tie!!

Paul: YEHH!!!

Avril: huh? is that punk? to be hung by your tie?


Joel: YEH..*hits Benji* yes it is..wanna try?

Avril: oh yes!!

*Gc runs over to Avril hang her by her tie*

Avril: *sings a BSB song then slowy stops singing*

GC: YEHHH!!!!!! *they go home and tell Billy the news*

Billy: W00T!!*jumps on bed*

Benji: she asked me to marry her..*sniff sniff*

Joel: Its ok shes gone now..for good!

Paul: uhm...guys..

Billy: wat?

Paul: look..out that window.

*they all run to the window and see Avril outside skipping singing a BSB song*


GC AGREES (to a certain degree i guess) AVRIL SUCKS

When a fan asked if they would tour with Avril, they responded "Hell No", and then Joel said, "I'd be having a good day until someone calls me Avril Lavigne."

From TRL:

Benji: Next at number 5 we have Avril Lavigne with "Sk8er Boi".

Joel: That's skater with an 8 and boy with an i! Like totally!

(after video)

Joel: Like, for sure! That totally rocked!

Benji: She's so punky!

Why? She can't sing. She can't play guitar, she strums open chord and then smashes it [what a waste of poor guitars], she says "I'm a punk" "I'm a skater" and things like that even though she's probably never been on a skateboard in her life and she is a complete poseur. As for those pictures in Teen People, that's solid proof that she's a poser. She thinks her music is punk rock, when it's complete crappy pop, and she's dragged a whole line of posers in her direction, the whole poser team at my school, complete in Avril Lavigne tee shirts with dickies shoes and wristies saying "I'm so punk, aren't I?" and coming up and bothering us. They all wear ties, and they don't even know how to tie them. It looks awful, but it's very amusing to torture them for it. Skater doesn't have an 8 nor does boy have an i. I think she needs a lesson in english.

Picture a [drums]: What the fuck? She's not even holding the sticks right!! Is she now going to pretend to play drums just like the guitar? Ok... let's not get started on this one...

Picture b [eggs]: Ha! Stupid bitch. I wanna throw eggs at her!!! O my dear, I do beleive you have a little bit of a smudge under your eyes, you better wash it off before people think ur not a punk!! Yeah and what about the tie that you inveneted? *dies laughing*

if thats true punk is already dead dude

most of the above info came from msn groups such as GC Rocks Socks, ~*~YoUnG AnD ThE HoPeLeSs~*~, and other great groups.