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MuSiC iS LiFe

WHaT MuSiC MeaNS To Me: Music is life. Music is in everything. Music is a soulful outlet. Music is emotions. Music is a passionate feeling. Music to me is life, death, good, bad, evil; music is everything. Music is me. Everyday we hear music. This organized noise, beautifully put together. Whether it is classical, rap, rock, jazz, soul, pop, country, or reggae, music is beautiful. It doesn’t matter what anyone likes; music is a common interest that almost anyone shares. Music brings people together. The other day I was thinking to myself. What is music? What does music mean to me? Why do I enjoy music? And other such questions. What is music? What does music mean to me? Why do I enjoy music? A good quote to define music is, "This is music. This is myself."-Ralph Waldo Emerson. Music is my entire life and being. It controls me. It means life. Music means death. From the old bell tolling to a new mother singing. Music comes in all different forms from the TV show theme songs to operas. Music will always be there for me to bring up my sorrows and help me calm down. When I’m laying in my bed crying music is there for me. music is quite possibly the only thing I can rely on to be there for me. I love music; I always have and I always will.
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get this gear! so i was reading something and found this out about music....heres a direct copy of it Amazing Impact of Listening to Music It doesn't matter if it's rock or classical, listening to music will give your soul a quick jolt of happiness. That's the word from researchers at Pennsylvania State University in Altoona who have shown that when we hear music we like, bad moods are banished and good moods are enhanced. What music does: It makes listeners more optimistic, joyful, friendly, relaxed, and calm, and helps vanish feelings of pessimism and sadness. What music doesn't do: It won't ease feelings of fear, sadness, hate, or aggression, and it does nothing to increase feelings of love. Led by psychology professor Valerie N. Stratton and music professor Annette H. Zalanowski, the study required 47 college students to keep music-listening diaries for two weeks. They were instructed to report their moods before and after each musical episode. "Not only did our sample of students report more positive emotions after listening to music, but their already positive emotions were intensified by listening to music," Stratton explained in a news release announcing the study findings. It made no difference what type of music the students chose--rock, pop, soft rock, easy listening, oldies, classical, or New Age. In addition, it didn't matter where they listened to the music or what they were doing while it was playing, be it studying, driving, dressing, or socializing. The study findings were published in the Psychology and Education: An Interdisciplinary Journal. (to give credit icouldnt find the web address of it but it was on whats new at walmart)

MuSiC iS...


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