RAGS - Tear 'Em Up

If ever there was a title to a work of music more befitting
it's the title of this "from the archives" re-release.
Originally released in 1988 on BG Records this plethora of sensual delight
was re-released in 2003 through SGT Records. After listening to this CD numerous times,
tasting the salt of my tears from the deep cut of reality it left in my being, I came to believe that
if this collection of songs had never seen the light of day, there could be no greater injustice.
In the last few years I've devoted to listening to Tracy G's music
I've discovered many sides of myself that his musical passion has unearthed.
Looking back I attest that it was never an endeavor with a preconceived or "hoped for" outcome,
but, nevertheless, a perpetually intriguing adventure to say the least!
RAGS Tear 'Em Up is not "just another Tracy G work" but yet another profoundly exciting chapter
in the testament of his life. A chapter that helped me to realize
that I wasn't just riding the thrill of adventure, but I was acquiring a great and special appreciation
for the truest part of the man through all the pieces of his heart he has so unselfishly shared.
To me music is not just something to tickle one's ears, it's all those feelings and emotions
that can't always find there way out in mere spoken words.
From here on I will tread as lightly as possible without losing the honesty and integrity of my feelings.

RAGS Tear 'Em Up offers to the listener a look back in time to the 80's sound,
showing that music can survive the passing of eras when done right!
Perhaps the most sensually delightful part of this work is that the listener
gets a rare taste of almost all the music playing styles Tracy G is now known for.
From the hard rock "precursor to WWIII" sound in songs such as Run For Your Life,
Ladies On The Loose, Caught In The Act, Lil SOB, Listen and Fight For Freedom,

to the sultry blues styled All Fall Down. If by the end of this CD you're not rockin' out
along with this outstanding band, then you must be six feet under!
Perhaps the most emotionally touching, Tracy's Spanish heritage shows through
in the romantic "flamenco laced" Fantasy Love.
I knew the first time I heard this song
if the inspiration behind the writing was a woman, I wish that I could be her!
Then there's the haunting, instrumental Like Never Before
that had me wanting to walk out naked in the night, with the rain pouring down,
caressing my body with every drop, like this melody caresses the depth of my soul.
The electric guitar tells a sad story, and the acoustic guitar provides the salve,
the therapy and healing as if to say "it's alright, everything will be alright."

Adding to the intensity and the richness of this musical masterpiece,
the singer Joe Richardson provides a desperate "echo in the distance
of a lost man on a cliff side" sound to the vocals.
More than just a simple subtle presence, Joe Richardson especially shines
in the stunningly dramatic song The Light. Not to be taken lightly or overlooked,
no musical work can be completely kick ass as this one is
without the intense expertise of such a rhythm section as the one that graced this band.
Comprised of Tom Comfort (TC) on drums and Tom McKee on bass,
these guys know how to bang, and frankly there's no other way to do it!

RAGS Tear 'Em Up is a must for anyone interested in listening to
yet another highly exceptional work from the early music career of Tracy G.

Submitted by: Isabeaux

RAGS Tear 'Em Up is available for purchase through SGT Records.

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