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Little Random Site

hi every1. That is a pic of me (the fairy!) and some craz ee fools i met at Glastonbury festival, arent they the gr8est!? Ok time 4 an up date. I went 2 France with roz which was fun cept the weather was shit. We went 2 disney land wich was amaaaaaaaaaazing fun went on space mountain 7 times!! We met a crazy kid called Edward who made us play worm skool and ran thru wher we wer staying alot!! lol! I missed the legend that is becky's pool party sniff...wat happened anything fun? tell me bout it! NOW! But apart from that ive had a 'kewl' hol!! The weather in Cornwall sucked wen i went ther but i did learn 2 mountain board wich was prety fun. cheerio!

o, and hi 2 eleanor r (gd luck 2 u with u no who!), becky, roz, alex and charlie, jenni, alice p, jenna, mo, amy, bethan, catherine 'spew in this', caroline, ginny, anna, adam the gearstick, tom ford, max, AJ, owen, jess, emily, shakey jakey, josh, rupert muffin, alex, hopper, eddie etc etc, if i forgot u, never fear, its nothing personal im just forgetful! and hi 2 LEO, happy now leo? i would like 2 remind every1 that leo is not italien! SPECIAL HELLO 2 FLISS, THE LEGEND THAT BE, u crazy pizza luver u! ne who see ya meeeeeeeeeee xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anyway, feel free 2 check out my site, sign my guest book, click my links and add ur own links if u want. i advise u strongly 2 scroll down n go on the link that is called 'a goddam funny thing u gotta c' it makes me laugh everytime....bit wierd though.....
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