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You guessed it, This was my welcome party when I arrived in Omaha on June 1st. This is my favorite picture from the entire trip, because it truly shows that I was missed while exploring new countries. On the left is my family (everyone except my older brother Ryan). To the right is Carly's family. In the middle is my brother's best friend Tony who is like a brother to me. He is holding elmo, a stuffed animal that has become a big part of my family ;) "There's no place like home."

Previous Picks of the Week

|Update - 08/14/04| - I am so sorry for taking so long to make a new update. It has been a crazy summer full of school, work, and a whole lot of catching up with family and friends. Since I last updated the site, many things have happened. We all finished our studies in Lithuania and said our many, difficult "goodbyes". I stayed with Monique and Diane in the Netherlands, and with Mikael in France. My arrival back home finally came, as you can see in the "Picture of the Summer" above. It has been an exciting summer, but it has been difficult to adjust back to North American life. I miss very much the great people I met in Europe. I hope and pray that someday I will be able to see everyone again. For now, take care, enjoy the site and all the great pictures, and keep in touch. I made updates in the "where has Kelly been" section under the "Kelly" page. Enjoy and, as always, take care!


|Update - 05/1/04| - Wow, this has been a crazy week. Today I put up some updates on the MoDi page, the Pictures page, and some pictures on the Kelly page. There are many new pictures to look at and enjoy. I didn't take the time to explain the pictures (sorry), so if you have any questions about them, feel free to email me. That's all for now.

Coming soon: More "MoDi Stories", some information and pictures on "Kelly's Classes", and more on "Places Where Kelly Has Been"...

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Kelly Barth
00370 41432609
When you call, ask for the person you are calling and their room number
**The lady who answers will most likely not understand English**

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