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Welcome to my playground!  

Welcome!  I'm a wife of 23 years, mother of 4, grandmother of 6 (with another due on my birthday), daughter, musician, performer & private music teacher.  

Jon (my hubby) & I are in Menagerie , a music group performing Celtic & Appalachian music & somtimes can be seen in Victorian costume! Jon performs on the guitar, mandolin & vocals. I perform on the hammered dulcimer, woodwinds, harp, & vocals. We perform at different festivals around the eastern part of the US. Check out Menagerie's web page to see our where abouts. Don't forget to sign the guest map!

I have epilepsy. I started having seizures around 12 years of age. I have grand mals & petit mals. No, I'm not crazy, although some people would disagree! Epilepsy has nothing to do with your mental status. Many people don't realize I have seizures. People with epilepsy don't look any different, walk any different, sound any different...we're your next door neighbors. I perform on stage, give music lessons, raise a little hell & have a normal family & marriage. You would be surprised at some of the people that have epilepsy & you don't know it!

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visitors to this site since April 14, 2004

This web site was last updated on 04/14/04.