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Mogurt the Great: procrastination is like masturbation
Mogurt the Great: its all fun and games till you realize you've screwed yourself


****Ashley S.**** hey!!How is ya? ~~I miss ya and I had a great time at your house when i visited. ~~~I am glad to be your best friend because theses kind of relationships are hard to find. ~~~~Never Give Up! Always Try Your Hardest! miss ya!!! ~~~~The scary movie we made was soo funny ~~~~~hope that Meme won't make us put up another tin foil fence when i come back up there! :-/ LoL! ~~~~~Whatever you do, don't let anyones words make you feel like you are notin, cause you have a great voice and you are definatley somtthing, more than a friend,more than a singer, but a great hero to many people and you are a BIG one to me you are such an amazing person, ill visit you soon
***Beth****Hey there! ~you and i have got to get together more often! ~~you have a great talent for being a person who can get things started ~~~~CHEESNRICE! CHEESNRICE! CHEESNRICE! MWAHAHAHAH ~~~~Have you seen margaret, shannon and my Hash Stash? uh uh i i mean.. HASHBROWNS! hhah ~~~~thankz for tellin the Stir fry people it was my birthday! the ice cream was worth it! ~~~~thank you for being my very first friend since i came to the Academy. I will always remember that!
****Johanna**** Hey gurl! ~Go Legolas, Son of Thandruil! did i spell it right? :-P The Red Son Rises, Blood Has Been Spilt This Night ~~ I am always glad to have you come ride with me!!!! ~~~You are always there for me to lean onto when i need a shoulder to cry on. I wuv ya! ~~~~Thanx for being my great and loyal friend! ~~~~~WE ARE SUCH HOPELESS ROMANTICS ~~~~~you are a good sam! and im a sucky frodo... but a good Smeagol/Gollum! ;) ~~~~~~~~i know you love banannas! ~~~~~~PREEEEEEEEEEEEEEECCCCCCCCCCCIOUSSSSS!! ~~~~~MORE BANANAS! WHO's ?~! you know WHO~~!! BlOnDiE PoInTy E-... ok thad give it away ! :-D ~~~~~~alright here's the dealio... Johhny Depp is soo much hotter than Orlando Bloom! DUH!ive never seen a guy look so good in makeup! *cackleS* *melts* haha
****Jennifer**** Hey clam! **WINK** ~you are sooo funny girl! ~~You know we need to get together more! ~~~~~DUKE CAMP WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~BUNNY FARM!!!!!! ~~~that pimp told you to call him :P ~~COLIN IS A HOE! ~Keifer.. Keifer.. Keifer... DIE KATE AND KIM! DIE KATE ! I HATE YOU KATE! hahaha ~~~~~~~~DANG GIRL YOU CAN PLAY CELLO LIKE CRAZAY ~~awwwwwwwww Sean......... hehehe ~~~~~thanks for always being there! you are such a great freind, thank you!!!!!! luv you forever!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHILLIN AT DA HOLIDAIE IIIIIIINNNNNNN ~~~~~~All black guys.... and Justin Timberlake only sing about 1. bling bling 2.@$$e$ 3. Sex 4.escalades ROOCKK ONN JENNNIFFFfeEEERRR!
****Andrea**** Hey girl! ~ We need to have another mud fight! That was so funny! ~~"How old are you now?" hahaa! ~~~i hope i dont run into another tree while we are riding! ;) ~~~~ Thanx for having me over at your house all the time haha ~~~~~Hope we can get together at the barn sometime! TTYL ~~~~~God...I am sooooo hot! ;) ~~~~~~~~ thank you for always bein my bestes ridin buddy! i need to come over and help u paint some jumps! ~~~~~~~~you are such a talented horse rider person! lol and a great runner! keep up the good work you BITCH! hahah BITCHES ARE THE BEST! ;-) ~~~~~~~~~ i had a lot of fun at your partay, you wild child! glad i got to meet your buds ~~~~~ climbing place buddy! yay!
***~Shannon~*** ~ Hey there girly! whats up umm...bob? haha ~~~You are always there to make me laugh! ~~~~I LUV YOU GIRL! ~~~~~THANKZ FOR TALKING TO MARGARET AND I ON THEPHONE WHILE WE WERE STUCK! HAHA ~~~~~~Im really going to miss you when you move! dont leaveeeee! ~~~~~~~~OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD~! Like, OMG! ~~~~~~MY MEDALLION! DID YOU TAKE IT? MY MEDALLION! OH wait! i found my medallion on the grill! ~~~~~~~"Wow! three times in one night! and all by the same person! MY DAD!!! ~~~~~~~ geez, you put way too much oil on your food! Shannon you're leaking!!!!!! ~~~~~~~that dude at stir fry was hot! i think we scared him though! hahaha ~~~~~~~awww i feel so privaledged! you want to be just like me! eat the food i eat! yipeee!!! :-D ~~~~~~~where is the... HASH... STASH? .. i i mean HASHBROWNS! yeah i love hashbrowns!! ~~~~~~~~~SLUTHONG! ~~~~~~~~~ you are a kick @$$ vball playa! thankz for the hello kitty vball chain! its so cute!! like omg! so cute! ~~~~ keep in touch
****Margaret**** ~Hey girl! Whats happenin? ~~I cant believe u think that guy in Good Charlotte is hot! eewww...haha ~~~thankz for getting me stuck at the mall fo 2 hours!!! hahaha it was sooo funny! ~~~~f******...f****** cops...HAHAHAHA ~~~~~~we neeed extra credit for rock concerts! ~~~~~ I swear if i dont find some normal people im gona go insane! (talking to yourself) HAHA ~~~~~YEAS! you and i are the coolest! Warped Tour 2003! memories 4 ever! omg KENNY KENNY! signed my my.... shoe! AHH!!!!!!!!! and all the other super cool people we got signatures from! YEAH! ~~~~the Ataris were calling your name to get your shoes signed! srry ya didnt get them! ~~~~~ HAHAHAHA WE GOT PIERE's AUTOGRAPH UNLIKE SOMEONE ELSE WHO DID NOT! ~~~~~JOHHNY DEPP IS HOTTER!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~~WE LOVE HASHBROWNS!!!!!!!!!!! HASH.. BROWNS! ~~~~~~do they cook the food here?? ~~~~~~soapy foam fights in the bathroom! hahahahaha---- You can have the cherry... i dont like cherries!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~I MADE IT! I F****** MADE IT! *GETS BLOWN TO BITS*~~~~~~~ K512Kasey is a gay mofo!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ omg, that girl at Dairy Queen was gona kill us!! "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKIN AT MO*FO*? YOU WANT ME TO COME OVER THERE?" and then the other person "....MoFos....!" wow, we arent liked very much at the movies are we??!!!~~~~~ hahaha you went riding with me! how cool is that?!?!~~~~~~~ well, we are slowly becomin the only ones... if u know wat i mean..!?~~~~~ hah we went to the fair together! yaah! wow you have an addiction for gambling~~~~~~ SUPER JUMBO SIZED COTTON CANDY!!!!~~~~~~~~~ talkin on the phone with Miguel :-D ~~~~~~~~~~~ climbing place! sorry i dropped u... eheh.. ~~~~~~~ dude ur mom sneezes friggen wierd ... LMAO ~~~~~~~ if you laugh at this within sixty seconds you are legally insane - BRRRRROOOOM BUMPP BUMPP BUMMPPP BUMP BUMPPP BUMPP RRRRRRRRRROOOOOM - us " HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA" ~~~~~ kitten singing = i love you.... i really really dooooo ~~~~~~~~ talking to leo was fun too - "so your saying we can't ask you questions related to your ....." ;-)
****~Avni~**** ~Hey carmel! ~~God gurl you can DANCE ! ~~~ I wish i could dance like that~~! ~~~~people are turning over to the dark side... if u know what i mean ;) ~~~~~Dola re Dola! HAHA ;) ~~~~~~you are such a sweetie! almost too sweet! dont let people push you around!!
****~Kasey**** ~The cat is gona come back from the dead and haunt you! ~~Gonna kill Tyler R. and that other stupid fag that was with him! you know i would have kicked his @$$~!! ;) ~~~FLIRTY GIRL ~~~~c'mon now, rock is soo much better than rap! ~~~~~head bangginn!! ~~~~~~u gota ride more rides next year at the fair! ~~~~~~gota have another sleep over at ur house ~~~~~~~RUN! THE GATE GAURD IS COMIN!!!! haaha ~~~~~~~~take good care of Chauncy for me!! ~~~~~~~~~Steven and ur bro Corey are soo cool and cute! heheheh (ROCK ON COREY! HAHA) ~~~~~~~~~~~I LIKE BIG CO**S and i cannot lie!
****Elizabeth**** ~uh, thankz for helpin me outa that mud pit ! ~~dont let ur mom get to you.... ill beat her up 4 you ~~~stay strong 4 ur daddy ~~~~Tyler R. is a gaywad queer stupid gay faggot and im gona kill him! hehehe ~~~~~awwwwwwww MIKE! ~~~~~~i kno you love rock, i kno u do! hehe ~~~~~~~**HUUUGHHHHH!* ~~~~~~~~Ketchup+mayonaise+mustard+Jason's truck= a very mad JASON! hahaa THANK GOD HE DIDNT SEE IT! ;)
****Becky**** ~STOP SPOONING WITH ELIZABETH! ~~ok im gonna try to stop laughing now~! ~~~CAMERA HOG! ~~~~i knew you did that army wall climb just to make that army dude put the equipment on you.. sick bia! haha ~~~~~STOP LAUGHING LIKE THAT! ~~~~~~i cant beleive you think its funny when i make fun of you! ~~~~~~~ ur soo... strange! heheheheh
****Jessica**** ~I TOOK MOFO! ITS MY WORD NOW! hehehe ~~THAT PIMP IN THE MALL REALLY LIKED YOU! ~~~ok........stop thinking about the scary pimp...sick...! ~~~~haha, aren't little sisters so annoying? ~~~~~i would really hate to be on the COCKS team! ~~~~~~APPLEBEES HOT WINGS! ~~~~~~~OH YEA! U STEVEN AND I ARE THE RuLERS OF THE FAIR~ ! hahaha ~~~~~~~~~hope to see ya soon
****Deanna**** ~Deanna Bananna! ~~thankz for helpin me know what you helped me with :-D ~~~awwwww Greg ~~~~you are SUPERWOMAN! just like on your Diary! ~~~~~GIANI!!!...did i spell his name right?? ~~~~*wink*Wink*nudge*nudge* ~~~thankz for draggin me down to dance N*Sync With PETE! it was fun after all! :-D ~~you can write poems sooo friggin good! thankz for helpin me w/mine! ~YOU KICKED MY DOG! ~~WHOS YOUR FATHER?!!HAHA ~Girl, you are soooo awesome. i love you sooo much! i will NEVER forget you! i'll see you next DYWC! 2nd Session!
****Andrew Z.**** ~~~~~CRY ME A RIVVERRR!!~~~~~ go JT! go JT!! haha~~~~~~ shes a he!... shes ... shes... shes a man!!!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!~~~~~~ you hyperactive person you~~~~~~ stress test! ~~~~~ "if you go up and read i can scream 'LESLEY!' really loud and it will look like you have a lot of friends!!" haha :-P ~~~~~~~~ultimate frisby!!!~~~~~~ are you still doing the robot in your boxers?~~~~~instead of kick the can, you kick the 2liter bottle of coke!~~~~~~ you rock at baseball playin! u balla!!!~~~~~~ahh ya didnt get a ride to da fair! that sucked! im gona come and visit you sometime!!!
****Miguel**** ~~~oh wow dude i think we know almost everything about each other! hahaha ~~~I have Terrets!!!!!!!! ~~~ya see i cant really say all the jokes between u and i because it would scare people!!!! ;) ~~~~thx for callin me on my bday! i feel special! ~~~~yeah you should be glad you live in DC! its way better than *erhem**country accent* FAYETTEVIILLE! ~~~~~*duh dum ching* ~~~~~PEACE! you like saying PEACE ! PEACE PEACE PEACE PEACE PEACE PEACE PEACE!!!!! ~~~~~HEY ESCABAR!!!!!! I Wanna have your baby!!!! ~~~~~" i am the magic man! and I have a v*****!" ;) ~~~~~dude you are such a great guy and hope to see you next year at Duke! come visit me sometime! ~~~~~~~ keep trying to play your guitar, even though you suck at playin lolz, u kno im kiddin :-P ~~~~~~~~ marge and i had fun talking to you on the phone! "does it.... when water is cold...?"
****Anna**** ~~~~~thanks for calling me all the time! its fun!~~~~ you have drinkin buds at your house now! they took over your other phone!~~~~ N*SYNC dancing rockz! *wink*wink* lol~~~~ Hello? hello? hello? what? i cant hear you? nah, im just kidding! - great answering machine!~~~~ microsoft money! yeah! singing computer people! hahaha!! ~~~~~~~~ girl you are soooi awesome! i will never forget you! keep calling me! you better be at camp next year or ill die! you are an amazing person!
P.S.>>if your not on here just wait and you soon will be!! cuz im still workin on my site, so dont wrray
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