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Probationary Schedule

This schedule has been made as a guideline to give your probationary period a tentative structure. Obviously, there will be changes which will be made to accommodate the music department's schedule as well as other unforeseen conflicts. It is best to keep up with this schedule so important events will not be put off until the end of your probationary period. Your education officer will give you brief quizzes during your probationary period to help you keep up with the information.

Things to do Anytime

-Gather general information in your notebook from active members; full name, home address, major(s), instrument/voice, birthday, school address, office in Lambda Kappa (if applicable), and signature. 25 points when all information and signatures are received. Information and signatures are due by the end of the fifth week or you lose 2 points per day. Please use this opportunity to get to know the actives!

-Fundraiser and Service Project. These are described in further detail in the Obligations section. They are due by the end of the fourth week.

-Party for the Actives - set a date right away!

-Recital - You must decide on a theme and prepare a program on the night of SEP. Advertisements and programs must be put together also. Posters and programs should be done and up by the end of the fifth week.

-Get faculty signatures and include the chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia they are from. 5 points when this is finished. You must have this by the end of the fifth week or you lose 5 points. This activity must be completed for you to be activated.

-Trace your family tree with help from your dad and other actives in Lambda Kappa. This activity is worth 10 points. Due during the fourth week.

-Bring someone not involved in Lambda Kappa to any Music Department event (including Departmental Recitals) and receive 1 point per person.

-Get any recital's program signed when both you and the active attended the recital. Each program turned in to the Pledge Trainer in this manner is worth 5 points. Departmental Recitals do not count here.

NOTE: All recitals that include Lambda Kappa actives as participants are required attendance for all probationary members.

Week 1

-Receive and begin learning general information.

-Learn Lambda Kappa Hymn.

Week 2

-Learn Lambda Kappa Hymn for the next actives' meeting. A time when most actives and all pledges can be present is acceptable. It must be performed for the actives. This activity is worth 5 points.

Week 3

-Red Week! Wear red visibly each day, accessories not included. 1 point per day, 5 points total.

Week 4

-Learn Dona Nobis Pacem for the next actives' meeting.

Week 5

-Black Week! Wear black visibly each day, accessories not included. 1 point per day, 5 points total.

-Learn From Heavenly Harmony for the next actives' meeting.

Week 6

-Do something nice for an active. Actives will assess a point value to the deed. You may only receive 5 points per active during this week. Be sure to record the deed and point value in your notebook with the active's signature. Points without signatures will not be valid!

-Write a short statement on a 3X5 note card on "Why I want to be in Lambda Kappa." 5 points total for the timely completion of this activity. This must be in by the due date or you lose 10 points. Due Date:

Week 7

-Gold Week! Wear gold visibly each day, accessories not included. 1 point per day, 5 points total.

-Actives do something nice for pledges this week.

-Shirt Day! Wear the shirt you made with your father. You must wear your shirt or you lose 10 points. Date:

-Learn Vive L'Amour for your recital. Make up verses and receive 5 points per verse for a maximum of 25 points.

-Final Examination. Bring a pencil or pen. Date and Time: