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History of Lambda Kappa

On April 8th, 1978 the Lambda Kappa Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia was chartered on Carthage College's campus. In 1980, the Lambda Kappa Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha initiated into its brotherhood its first female members, making it one of a handful of co-ed chapters in Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia.

Shortly after the triennial convention in 1982, certain individuals in leadership positions in Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia began making inquiries pertaining to the possible exemption of Phi Mu Alpha from the Title IX Amendment which prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender. The reason behind this argument was that Phi Mu Alpha's primary goals and purposes were social, not professional, and did not represent the profession of music. Exemption was granted. Consequently, after many heated debates regarding Phi Mu Alpha's identity either as a single-sex organization or as a co-educational one, a vote was taken at the 1985 National Convention. The results were overwhelmingly in favor of a single-sex organization.

Lambda Kappa's traditions and future direction, however, were uncompromisingly bound to a co-educational organization. This, in turn, led the Lambda Kappa Chapter to initiate four women into its Spring 1986 Probationary Class.

Subsequently placed on probation by the National Executive Committee, the Lambda Kappa Chapter was threatened with suspension and eventual expulsion from the fraternity if the present course of action was continued. Lambda Kappa did, indeed, initiate those women and were expelled from the national fraternity. On June 6th, 1986, the Lambda Kappa Chapter was officially expelled from Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia.

Members of Lambda Kappa were in favor of becoming a local fraternity and agreed to maintain many of the same goals, practices, and traditions of the chapter. Throughout the years, the fraternity has grown and flourished to become an integral part of the Carthage College Music Department.