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I Miss You (Lil’ Bro)


I know one day I am going to see you

But right now all I can do is love you

I just got to wait to see you

But right now I miss you



It all started when I got lonely
Now I miss you my little Homie

I had vision of my casket

That I was leaving this earth

My body six feet down under this dirt

I was up there with you in heaven

Tears ran down my face

When I seen your face

Then I ran to you

And hug you

Then I woke up with crying tears at night

I sometimes try to fight those tear at night

I can’t explain how I miss you
I would love to put on doo rag over your bean head
I would even brag 
Look how we could stayed aces
Hustled, made big faces
I wish we could trade places
I’d rather give you life
And the things that I had, I’d give you twice 
So what the deal, my lil bro I know you holdin it down
If you could see me you would say I’m talking soft right now
But it’s hard for me to see when I’mma see you again
And I know it’s miss up, I gotta talk through this pen



I know one day I am going to see you

But right now all I can do is love you

I just got to wait to see you

But I miss you (Lil Bro)



Its so ruff and so tuff with out you

If people only knew

I am tired of be alone

That why I made this song

We probably would have gotten into trouble

Now I am the only one that is going through these struggles

I will always keep you in my heart

I am always going to wear my dog tag with your name right by heart

We could have done family things

Maybe you could have rap with me

You can even dress like me

I wonder if you would look just like me

You can ride anytime with me
Even hang out with me
I will always be your homie

You could have called me 24-7

I know I am going to see you in heaven

We could have play b-ball together

We could of hoop up in the tournaments together

Guess what we have an awesome father

Even a loving mother

And you would have a tight brother






I couldn't write anymore at this point I started to crying I hope to get it done this is for You Lil' Bro I Love You