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Check out the forum and drop us a line.
The News as we know it:  Albums you should check out:

Sunday Apr. 20th, 2003 - Sorry about the lack of updates again, its a mixture
                         business and lazyness on my part. But we've got a mp3
                         now online - Beneath The Blankets - and our next show
                         is on Apr. 25th.
Check us out! - Eli

Wednesday Mar. 26th, 2003 - The cd is finished! And now available for purchase,
                            at all of our shows and here online in the Merch
                            section. All three tracks sound orgasmic, perfect for
                            pimpin that girl you dig so much. Or you could just                             listen to it. MP3 downloads are givin me a problem
                            but i should have something for you buy the middle of                             next month. Check out the shows section for our
                            upcoming shows.
- Eli

Sunday Mar. 9th, 2003 - We got a show comin up on the 21st please be sure
                        to check it out, we've got some new material
                        that we are orchestrating also. And we are
                        finally going to record our demo hopefully
                        next week. So our cds should be available soon.
                        Cds will be avaiable online and at our shows.
- Eli

Sunday Mar. 2nd, 2003
- Sorry about the lack of updates, we've been
                        really busy lately with shows, and just
                        trying to get everything going. Check out
                        the events page to check us out soon.
- Eli

Thursday Feb. 20th, 2003 - Please be sure to come support us on Sat. at
                           Champs, we are up for sponsorship from the
                           fellas at Budwieser. Doors open at 8.
- Eli

Wednesday Feb. 19th, 2003 - Hi. - Eli

Monday Feb. 17th, 2003
- I just put up some pictures in multimedia, its                          not much, but it'll do. - Eli

Wednesday Feb. 12th, 2003
- Whats up people? I got 3 new pictures up in the
                            band section, Ill will get some more in the multi-
                            media section as soon as I get the thumbed.
- Eli

Tuesday Feb. 11th, 2003
- Check out the new forum and drop us a line. - Eli

Monday Feb. 10th, 2003
- I got a call from Scott over at Champs asking to    
                         play again on the 22nd and I agreed so come on
                         over and see us with Typical Malcolm(sigh) and
                         hopefully some better bands than that.
- Eli

Sunday Feb. 9th, 2003
- We played our first gig last night. People seemed
                        to dig the reggae/ska style. Check us out as soon
                        as possibl
e - Eli

Thursday Feb. 6th, 2003
- Site is up, but not in its entirety. Look back
                          in a few days. - Eli

  RX Bandits - Progress
 Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
 KRS-1 - Return of the Boom Bap
 White Stripes - White Blood Cells
 Saul Williams - Amethyst Rockstar
 Graham Coxon - Kiss of Morning
 The Pilfers - Chawalaleng
 The Slackers - Wasted Days
 Kingfish - Super Fantastic Sampler CD