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destinations->> [k]iss [b]uddiez [s]urprise

*note.sometimes song dun work =P

+pge info+ n simple
creator.dez productionz don't cry

+da foe one one+
kim wong
100% chink
currey surrey

+july 9+
chilled wit anita
stayed in surrey
went to guild mall
ate ice cream=)
went to mcdix
went to nerve

*tha special ones*

well babez wut can i say? uve been there for me n we've had good times. even tho u live all the way on ur island we still manage to keep in touch in each others lives n im so happi that we do hehe- daymnz dis year been a hard one for me witout u wit me, but it only made me stronger n ive met a lot of new ppl wich i could say replaced the ones that werent true...well n e ways i wuna thank u for stickin by me n makin me smile wen i wus down hehe. heck wenever you're around miss jordan chung u foeget bout ur troubles n juss laugh haha (but thaz so tru tho^^) n lets both hope n pray u'll b able to come bak to currey surrey n we can finaly reunite! hmm time to bring up the past funni moments haha so mani wich one should i pick...LOL OMG the "jordan is pinna" one or wus it "jordan u a banana"? lol dun remember but me n beano killed u wit dat one for a while ey? n u sorta got peesed at us =S hahaha..lemme think of anoda one dat involves us two haha hmmm shiet its been so long i almost cant remember! O YA! haha omg da time i came over to ur "shitty house" n i thot dere were peanut shells on the floor but it wus rili ur dogs dried up shit?!?! haha so funni hehe good times good times ..HURRY UP N COME VISIT ME BIATCH so we can make more memoriez to last forever n to look bak on n laugh at =P hehe. BFF! *MUAHZ*

victor my hunnie haha "bf" lolz. man so crazie how we became so tite lol and we used to facken hate each other in elementary skoo! ahh yes i remember how this fairy tale day last summer u asked to hook up n we went to the mall on a TUESDAY at lik 4 sumthin and it closed at 5:30! so we only had lik half an hour to look around! haha so gay x_x well then i invited u to my bday n u came n then it went from there=) and here we are now bestest of frens!!!!!=D haha i juss wunt u to noe yer tha best n thnx for all those times buyin me food :$ hahaha and y r u so FUKEN SESSY?! so mani guys after u but u juss dono it=P lol shiet y u always leavin me to go on ur trips now =( i miss u stay here more so we can go chill at ur mansion n go to icon n bbt^^ hahaha. i luv u ur lik my liddo sista!*XOXOXO* bff

BEBE yer mah one n onlee BUM BUDDIE! haha sheit we always together now ppl prob think we snobs juss cuz we dun say hi to em but we rili waitin for them to say hi first =P .n e wayz ur sucha funni girl haha oman ur a bad influence on the swearin n stayin out late all nite! haha but those couple of times comin bak at 3am were worth it ey?*winks*. haha we gota go find some hot men soon nikka and travel round van some more! wellz thnx for bein dere n listenin to mah boi probz =S...sheitt my standards r so high now haha o well its all good dat means no regrets in the future=) ahh shit too bad i hav some now well w.e w.e whocares dey NASTY hahha. hey well ima talk to u on msn n see u in lik a couple of days ;) until we meet again! haha ps lets make fun of ppl=) "wut r u DOOOOOOOOing" LOL FUK it gives us a great laugh ey -->>143 sexxxxxxxxxeeeeeee

*still adding*

+on my mind+
dont u hate it wen u see ppl n U havta say hi to them first and wen u dont they immediately think dat YOU`RE a snob. lik y cant we BOTH say hi wen we see each other=F
