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Khmer Oldies
          Khmer Modern
         Movie Soundtrack


From the past, Sinn Sisamouth and Ros Sareysothea were titled the Queen and King of Music. Together both singers develop many memorable albums. Their overall chanting impressed millions of fans in Phnom Penh. Their golden voice were so sweet and soft, a voice that no one on earth can compete.  Such beautiful voice had now vanished, as their soul now lies in heaven but yet their names however exist on earth. In my heart, always and  forever they will remain the best singer ever on earth.

Now in the modern era, numbers of singers are highly increasing every year. Many singers are chosen to sing on stage. But yet, no one can overwhelm the king and queen of music.

Modern singers still sing oldies melody. Modern singers sung most songs that Sinn Sisamouth, Ros Sareysothea, Pen Ron and Huey Meas sang. However, there are some other oldies famous singers such as Meas Samorn, Chea Savoeun, So Savoeun, Mao Sareth, Ing Yang, Ing Nary and etc… Most of these singers were being executed during war. As far as I know, So Savoeun and Chhun Malai are one of the lucky one who escaped from war.

Ing Sophal, Chhorm Chorvin, Chhorm Nimul, Meng Pich Chenda, and Touch Sreynich are names of today’s modern singers. You will hear many of their songs listed under the modern song category. All these women contribute strongly in entertaining guests and fans from all over the world where vast population of khmer people are located.

Modern men singers are Lor Sarith, Kong Dina, Phan Sophat, Noy Vannet, Noy Vanna, and etc. Young singers singing new melodies such as Phreap Sovath and Nop Bayarith are now composing and introducing new songs to entertain teenagers. Although there are many singers now in the modern times, the oldies singers are still my most preferable singers. Please spend your time wisely and enjoy each music including dance songs, traditional songs, and khmer movie soundtracks.

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