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Monday, 1 November 2004
Mood:  irritated
I did do my homework to ensure that this information was factual, before sending it off to alert newspapers and voters' rights organizations. Apparently, in Texas, a woman voted all Democratic down her ballot, but on second look before turning it in, her vote for Kerry and Edwards, had now turned into a vote for Bush and Cheney, even though she knows she voted concisely and accurately. She notified the head of her polling place, but I don't think that's enough. We ALL need to double check our ballots after voting, before placing them in the ballot boxes, to make sure that the votes we made are indeed the votes that are on the ballots. All I can say is this is SICK, DISHONEST, and NOT the American Way.

Posted by music5/jomanji at 10:46 AM PST
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Saturday, 30 October 2004
FL puppy killer finally caught
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Hoobastank
Well finally that sick human who one by one shot the mother and some of her puppies has been arrested. What I'd like to see is the puppy who pulled the trigger on HIM to receive some incredible super treatment, because basically, he saved the rest of his siblings, and he gave the man the karma he deserved. I don't know what his sentence is (or will be), but he's a murderer and if I were the judge, he'd be put in an insane asylum to live out the rest of his years. What a sick bastard to shoot these dogs at close range... a coward, just like wife beaters and child abusers, and of course, animal abusers. They're all cowards.

Posted by music5/jomanji at 7:53 AM PDT
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Monday, 13 September 2004
U.S. army to kill goats for "practice"
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Nirvana
According to this article, the U.S. Army will be harming and then killing goats to practice working on wounds that soldiers receive in Iraq. What the f***? Here's a good way to ensure that there are no more war wounds on our soldiers... GET THEM OUT OF IRAQ! WE DON'T BELONG THERE! (I won't get into whether or not we belonged there in the first place, as this is an animal rights blog, but we for sure as h*ll don't need to be there anymore!) We've captured Saddam. We've established that there are NO weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. We've given them their government back. IT'S TIME TO LEAVE! I absolutely do not agree with this new method of training soldiers how to treat other soldiers by shooting (and grenading, and bombing, and whatever else they'll do to these animals that we will never know). Goats are not humans. And when I certified for life saving skills such as limb amputation, CPR, sharp objects (glass, shrapnel, etc.) inside of people, etc., we did not use real people or real animals to learn and get certified to be ready for anything, as an ordinary citizen who wants to be able to help his/her family and other citizens around them who may be hurt in an accident or a shooting or a drowning or a heart attack, or any other situation where that person would need you to save his/her life. I am not solely coming from the "AR perspective" on this particular issue. I am also coming from the "are you insane, do you think murdering these animals will actually make a difference, and what the F*** are we still doing there anyway!?!?!?!?!" perspective. ARGH! I'm livid. I HATE the callousness of our own government. Not just in the animal world, but in the human world as well... what are they waiting for... the soldier death toll to reach 2,000 now before they think about getting our kids (and husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, parents) out of Iraq? I could go on and on but I ask that you read the article and place your vote on its website.

Posted by music5/jomanji at 9:01 AM PDT
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Wednesday, 1 September 2004
Kerry vs. Bush on the Environment (our planet!)
Mood:  hug me
Here's the thing, people. While NASA gets approval to spend billions and billions of dollars researching uninhabitable planets for human beings, the Bush Adminstration is doing everything they can possibly do to ruin the only planet we have. Our children and future generations will never know what untouched wildlife is, they will have to learn about the animals on extinction lists on the internet, as the few we have left will be gone, because oil drilling and snowmobiling and other interests based on $$$$$ and greed are more important to this administration than the future of our Earth. Go to this site to read John Kerry's environmental positions versus George W. Bush's environmental lies he told and then rescinded once he stepped foot into the White House. For all of you undecided voters, PLEASE think of your children and grandchildren and their children and so on, and please make the right choice for THEM.

By the way, if you have not yet registered to vote, please visit either Declare Yourself or Rock The Vote to register while you still have time. Every vote counts, as we all learned almost 4 years ago. Please use your privilege to vote and do so.

Posted by music5/jomanji at 11:24 PM PDT
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Sunday, 29 August 2004
My new favorite vegan website
Mood:  loud
Ok so now this is my new favorite vegan website, because it is SO funny and also so informative... it's great! :)

Posted by music5/jomanji at 12:04 AM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 29 August 2004 12:05 AM PDT
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Saturday, 21 August 2004
Shortage of animals for medical research ~ ARGH!
Mood:  irritated
So this article here talks about how medical research is having to slow down because of the shortage of monkeys, which are so close to humans and, thus, necessary to conduct their experiments on. Guess what? The ONLY species that is close to humans ARE HUMANS! If monkeys were as close to humans as scientists say, then monkeys would be born AS HUMANS! Am I the only person here that understands that????? Penicillin killed animals it was tested on, yet it saves human lives... and other medicines that have worked on animals have killed humans... here we go with "well what are the other options" debate... how about all those f***ers sitting on deathrow for committing murder and having no conscience towards anyone else's life... why don't they experiment on those assholes? They're sitting on death row anyway and taxpayers like me are paying for their damn food to keep them living until they're put to death... why not make some good use out of them before then and find a cure for some damn disease already. Oh, is that too cruel? Well drive-by shootings are a lot more crueler than conducting experiments on these inmates. Or maybe I'm the only one that thinks that way too. We're at a standstill, except for the people that are dying from illnesses we should have developed cures for years ago... those people are rapidly disintegrating as each moment goes by... don't get me going on how I believe there actually ARE cures for everything we all have but that if they came out, our economy would be destroyed because how would the pharmaceutical companies and the hospitals and the bigwig doctors and the research companies make their billions of dollars each year? Paranoid? I don't think so... maybe too much knowledge... and too much ignorance on others' parts.

Posted by music5/jomanji at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 29 August 2004 12:21 AM PDT
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Thursday, 19 August 2004
Ok now I've heard it all.

If you don't believe me, I don't know what to say... I don't believe this crap either...

Unfortunately though, with all the disbelieving we can do, it's still happening.

People are actually taking their pets to get PLASTIC SURGERY performed.

However, if a dog has had plastic surgery done to him or her, they cannot enter competitions.

Just when you think some people can't get any more stupid, they give you a good kick in the ass and show you that they aren't even close to being done being stupid yet.

Posted by music5/jomanji at 7:07 AM PDT
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Wednesday, 18 August 2004
What the hell is this???

"Now, shop in biodegradable bags made from animal waste"

Story from: Asian News International
Sydney, August 15

Scientists at the Environmental Biotechnology Co-Operative Research Centre in Sydney have developed green biodegradable plastic bags made from animal excreta or food waste that could soon replace traditional plastic at supermarkets.

The company's executive director, David Garman said that companies had long used high-value virgin products such as starch and sugar to produce naturally occurring plastic-like substances, called biopolymers, to make plastic bags.

"The breakthrough we've had was the while looking to control phosphorous in bioreactors, we found a whole group of organisms that thrive on this material in these waste reactors, whether it's sewerage or processing waste products from agriculture," The Age quoted him as saying.

"We found out that one of the key ingredients that was being added by the operator suddenly completely changed the dynamics of the bacteria in the reactor, and that gave us the clue. Basically we end up with the same sorts of bacteria, the same sorts of material, which can then be quite readily translated into biodegradable plastics," he added.

Garman said the bags were as strong, clean and cheap as the non-biodegradable alternative and that such recycling technology was the way of the future.

Is it just me, or is this the most perfect way to make humans as ill as possible? And if it's just me thinking this, then can someone explain to me how people are NOT going to get ill from carrying around their food in bags made out of animal waste? Maybe I'm just stupid...

Posted by music5/jomanji at 1:05 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 17 August 2004
Comments? Anyone? Anyone?
I stumbled across this site, Violent Vegan... am I awful for finding it amusing and not being offended? I mean, he IS vegan, so I don't have anything to be offended about... so why do I feel guilty for enjoying it?

Posted by music5/jomanji at 2:14 PM PDT
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Friday, 13 August 2004
World's Sexiest Vegetarians/Vegans

At this site, you can find out who has been voted the world's sexiest vegetarians and vegans, as well as find a gigantic list of celebrity vegans that are living life with compassion towards animals and setting a fantastic example for those who look up to them.

Posted by music5/jomanji at 9:16 PM PDT
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