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 When I Look Into Your Holiness:


When I look into Your holiness,

When I gaze into Your loveliness,

When all things that surround,

Become shadows in the light of You.


When I've found the joy of reaching Your heart
When my will become enthroned in Your love
When all things that surround become shadows
In the light of You 

I worship You, I worship You,

The reason I live is to worship You.

I worship You, I worship You.

The reason I live is to worship You.


~Wayne and Cathy Perrin




Do you want the joy of a close relationship with the Lord?  That’s easy enough to answer.  The real question is, are you willing to do your part to get there?  This song holds a key.

As we focus our hearts and our minds on worshipping God, we soon realize that nothing else is more important.  Jesus affirmed that the most important commandment is, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30).  Far from restricting us, loving the Lord this was meet our deepest needs.  Deeper than our need for answers, deeper than our need for relief, and deeper than our need for a miracle is our need to love God.  We were created to do that.  It’s easy to let difficulties consume us, taking our focus off our loving Father.  Whenever we push worship to the side, however, we lose our way and feel empty.  The more wrapped in ourselves we become, the less satisfied we are.  In contrast, when we unwrap and turn our focus to God, we discover real life.  When we look into His holiness and gaze into His loveliness, everything else dims into comparison.

It’s hard work to quiet all our other wants and just want God.  But when we do, our lives are changed, our minds are renewed, and our spirits are refreshed.  When we worship God, we find that He fulfils every need and every desire.

~your friend




Comfort Of Life:






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