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The Lord can do great things

Through those who

Don’t care who gets credit.



Until the time Jane learned she needed an operation, the question, “Who will take care of me if I get sick?”

Had only been hypothetical.  As a single woman, she hadn’t given much though to how she would survive a major illness or operation.  As it turned out, she found that she had a “loving menagerie of friends’ who  “cobbled together a schedule of ministry and then passed the baton from one to the next while I marveled at my good fortune.”


Stephanie was the ringmaster, the one by her side at the hospital, who also helped her check her incision and take showers.  Bob drove up from Los Angeles with his dog to stay for a few days after she returned home.  Peggy brought over Thai take-out food.  Ann arrived with a bread machine and bags of groceries.  She also made soup, mopped the kitchen floor, and did the laundry.  Michelle brought mail from the office and drove her to doctor’s appointments.


It was amazing to Jane that these various people hardly knew each other when they first began helping her, but by the time she recovered, they had all become friends.



Being a servant has wonderful rewards.  Many times in our serving we receive much more that

 we ever gave away.




Background Music- I will Call Upon The Lord






A man’s pride shall bring him low;

But honor shall uphold the humble in spirit.

Proverbs 29:23