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IPS (a.k.a In Perfect Silence) is a hot new pop/punk band from Alpharetta, Georgia. They first started playing music in 1997, and have since become one of the most entertaining and talented bands in the South East.

IPS was formed in 1997 by 3 friends who went to Milton High school, in Alpharetta, GA (home of nothing). The band spent 2 years writing songs and rehearsing, awaiting the day that IPS would be ready to show the world what they had been working on. IPS played their first show on October 15th 1999 and has not turned down a good opportunity to play since. Two months later, in December, IPS spent 2 days recording their first CD, "Waste of Time,” which contains 10 tracks. One of the tracks off of that album, "You don't need me", won's online voting for the #1 unsigned band in America. IPS was then flown to Los Angles and recorded a live performance for, which was aired to over 6 million people all over the world.

After the Farmclub experience, IPS gained much popularity in their hometown, and across the country. Through mediums such as Napster, and the fact that millions of people saw them on television, IPS sold thousands of albums and tons of merchandise. After this huge success, IPS decided to go at it again. In April of 2001, IPS recorded their first full length Album "Never Say Die." It contains 12 tracks of pop/punk goodness and stories of lost love, lost dogs, and the triumph of the human spirit. With "Never Say Die," IPS shows their maturity since "Waste of Time" with deeper songwriting, and kick-ass riffs.

After the Release of "Never Say Die," IPS signed contracts with an Entertainment lawyer and took on producer Rick Beato to help with a three song CD that would was to be shopped to record labels. "Giving up on You" was recorded in July 2001 and released that following December. It was a huge hit with the fans.

Over the years, IPS has become what they are today. Though IPS is still young, they have grown up a lot as a band. Many things have changed, but everything has happened for a reason. The band is glad that things turned out the way they did and cannot wait to see what the future holds!