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Images of Praise

Founder/President: Katrina Ann Archie
V.P./Administrator: Qiana Nicole Alexander

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!"

We are young ladies who express the love we have for GOD through song and praise. This organization is ministry and we hope to reach the hearts of every individual we come in contact with. We physically give thanks and honor unto our almight savior who has bought us this far. We stand for righteousness and will spread gods love and word through dance expression. As we grow into stronger women of Christ, we will share what he has done for us in our lives testimony of dance.

Internal Goals:
A young lady who has followed her calling from Christ coordinated this organization. The Lord gave Katrina Archie a vision and told her to put together a spiritual dance team that glorifies him in praise. Our ultimate goal is help each young lady to build a personal relationship with Christ. We plan to lead the girls down the path to become distinquished young women. Through this training the young ladies will gain a sense of self-esteem and respect that will prepare them for life test and trials. We are a family and our fold is a safe-haven where the girls can come and exert their energy into a positive outlet. Toput god first is our number one goal. We also encourage the girls to have fun and enjoy dancing for the Lord!

In order to develop this ministry each young lady is expected to pay dues. Five dollars will be collected the 1st Saturday of every month during practice. This ensures your involvement with the organization and helps supply the materials needed for performances. There may also be extra expenses for outfits and any other performances or competitions that require an application fee. (Note: We will have fundraisers to help out with the expenses, but dues are necessary for growth of organization.)

Attendance for all scheduled practices is mandatory. In order fo routines to be tought in a timely manner its very important that members do not miss any practices. If you have a schedule conflict, please fill out your summer schedule so that your coordinators can make arrangements with you accordingly. If you find that you are unable to attend a practice for any reason you must call Katrina or Qiana, and notify them of your situation. At this point you must reschedule a make up practice for the rehearsal that you missed.

Team Practices and Rehearsals:
In order for a successful practice each one will begin with a prayer and the reading of a bible verse. Since we want to grow as a family and sisters it will end will prayer and hug to every member. Normal practice will be held every Saturday at noon 12 noon to 2PM. Location is TBA. Rehearsals for up coming performances will be held on Thursdays from 7-9pm in addition to Saturday practices. There may be extra rehearsals in preparation of upcoming performances.

Team Captains:
Her duty is teaching the tiny tots of the their dances and help any other team member who may be falling behind on the dance steps. They should be capable of relieving Katrina whenever they are called upon to do so.

While we understand that the parents and the children may be involved in other things, have school, and parents' work. WE NEED YOUR COOPERATION! It is very important that the parents work with us on makin sure their daughters are at practice on time, and they have the material s they need for a great performance. Above all we need communication! If there is a problem please express that to either of us in a timely manner so the situation can be dealt with quickly. In addition we ask for you patience, this is a grass-roots organization that has been started by walking on faith and believing in God. We are a growing organization and plan to let God lead us in all Decisions that are made. We welcome any suggestions or help that any parent or guardian will like to contribute.


Images of Praise
Katrina Archie
Qiana Alexander

Links to pages on this site.
