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Welcome to Geldy's World



I just wanted to take a little bit of time and update a little because some people are actually taking time to visit and I feel I owe that to them.  As far as music goes I have been thinking of doing some cover songs to post of the internet for you, but have not decided on which ones to do.  If you have any requests keep posting them on the message board.  Also, please keep playing the songs and sending this link out to people.  I want to get this music out to hopefully get some gigs when I get back to the East Side after graduation.


Well I am heading to Key West, Florida, here on Sunday, March 16th.  Celebrating an entire week down there which involves St. Patrick's Day on Monday and my 22nd birthday on Tuesday.  Should be a tough couple of first days, but I am sure I will survive.  I will update the site when I get back from break with some pictures and some stories that I am sure will entertain everyone.  Take care!


Welcome to my horribly designed webpage.  I decided to make a site for my friends as an answer to their requests for some of the songs I have been writing lately and collaborating with my friend Seth Weber.  On this site you will be able to download that music and save it to your desktop if you like the tune.

You will also be able to get some updates on what is going on in the life of Ryan Geldmyer and can visit a few favorite pages of mine through the link button above.  Feel free to leave me a message on the message board and be honest if you are talking about the music.  I want to know what people truly feel about the songs.

This site is still under construction so please be patient.  Any important updates to the site will be noted on this home page.  Thanks and come back.


Page Created by Ryan Geldmyer

Contact at