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Frayos Files

Welcome to Frayos domain. I am Frayo, a strange New Wave Synthesizer child of the 90s whos stuck in the 80s. My strange interest and hobbies then to freak people out. In any case: be glad I am not your kid. Sometime there will be a tribute put up to my favorite band. The idea is that I will hear from them if I fo good enough of a tribute. Here it is! If you get a 404, (Which you will) It means it hasnt been updated yet! I shall include links...later Until then there is only this: Until next update, you shall have only this to look at! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Only existing parts: Oh yeah. This is a picture of me taken in a mall. There are more recent ones at various forums. There are several ways to find me on the net: AIM: RaiyoKun Email: there are others, but they cant be posted until later! Also look for me at these places: New Wave websites Websites for keyboard/synthesizer players Sleazy anthromorph websites Hentai forums and otehr places that are too weird to list.

The Links

Save the Wave!
Song ID and other stuff
What I live for
Im one of the most active members!
