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Fistaface Official Fistaface Website


Updated on 06/30/2009

Update: We've released Scotty James as our guitarist and Keeb has moved over to guitar! Our good friend Jeff Davis has started learning our songs and is going to be our new bassist, so please help welcome Jeff to the band!

Hello everyone, this is a posting to let you all know that (Keeb Sutton) our long time friend and brother in METAL has joined our band on Bass! Please help us welcome this metal veteran into the band!

IT'S A GIRL!! Just an update to let those who're interested know that our guitarist (Jason) has finally had his first baby!! His new baby girl (Shannon Destiny Mitchell) was born in early June 2009 and she weighed in at 5lbs & a few ounces & she was 18 & something inches long! Please help us in welcoming Shannon into the world! Way to go Jason & Tracy! Congrats!

Fistaface was on 98.9 The Bear Local Licks Monday night Sept. 15th! We just wanted to say THANKS a lot to Jerrdog!! Make sure everybody checks out 98.9 The Bear's Local Licks show every Monday night @ 11:00pm!!! Leave us some feedback if you like and then make sure you call or email 98.9 The Bear and request Fistaface....a lot! We greatly appreciate your interest and support! Metal Forever! Chris/Fistaface

Finally the long wait is over! Our new EP is ready for purchase! Make sure you get you one ASAP! You can get them on our Myspace page here or from one of our band members, if you see us out and about! They'll also be available VERY soon right here on our Offical website as well! Our EP is only $5! We hope you like the tunes! Make sure to leave us some feedback! Metal For Everyone! Fistaface.

Thanks to everyone who made it out to Tailgator's in Kokomo, IN last Sat. 11/08/2008 to witness the Battle Of The Bands! We had fun! Thanks to Sam of Earthshaker Production for inviting us down to tear it up for all the Kokomo faithful! Thanks to all of the bands for putting on such a killer show! Metal Forever! Fistaface.

We put a photo slide show up on the photo page, so make sure you go check it out before you go. Also we've been auditioning some new vocalist and still have a couple more guys that are interested in checking thing out! So keep checking back for more updates on the search for our new frontman! Later, Chris

There's a new tune up on the Media page, so what are you waiting for? Go check it out and leave us some feedback/comments in our Guestbook! We appreciate and value your input! Thanks for listening! Fistaface.

Hey everyone just a few words to let everyone know that Fistaface is also located on several different websites, for those who are interested, Please take a few minutes and check the links page for quick links to all those additional websites! Thanks for the interest! Metal Forever!! Fistaface.

Hello everyone, I have some terrible news for everyone who knows a very good friend of ours....Terry Linn. Terry has passed away unexpectedly on Sunday Jan. 8th 2006! Terry will be missed by ALL who knew him! Terry will always be in our hearts and our minds. R.I.P. my brother! To the Linn family, especially Rosie and the girls, we send our deepest sympathies. Sincerely, Chris Burch and the rest of the Fellas.

FistaFace WON the 2004 Hilgers Battle of the Bands, $300.00, WOW!!! There were 10 bands that performed! We were in shock when they announced the winners! There was a lot of good bands out there! Congrats to Sealing Pandora and to Shattered Existence for thier 2nd and 3rd place prizes, both of those bands were great!! We're going to use this money to help record our new CD! Thanks to all our fans, friends and family members that came out and voted for us... WE DID IT!!! Thanks, METAL FOREVER, FISTAFACE!!!!

This news is for everyone who knows and likes FistaFace and especially for those who know our drummer Bill Lilly. Bill's Dad, Bill Lilly Sr. passed away on Christmas evening, he had recently had a heart attack and had to have an emergency open heart operation early last week! His Dad was able to return home Monday of this week and everything seemed to be going O.K. with Bill Sr. Then I recieved a call on 12/26/03 @ 1:00am and I was told by Bills brother, Danny that their Dad had died. Bill Lilly Sr. was loved by all that knew him and he will be greatly missed by everyone! Thanks for your concern, with our deepest sympathies and prayers... FISTAFACE.

FISTAFACE is also providing PA rental and part-time DJ services! If you know of anyone that needs to rent a PA system or is in need of a DJ, we are now offering both for unbeatable prices!! Once again if you are interested or you know of someone who is, just drop us an email! We specialize in Heavy Metal and Classic Rock, however we are willing to play pretty much anything that you have to play!

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