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~*-Firė's Page: Watch where you step..-*~

Read the title. *-you don't read it-* Dang, you didn't. *-you fall and your face is right in front of one of Firė's sparks.-* (She's a spark of firė :P) Hah. You shoulda listened. Well, anyway. I'm Firė.(Oh, NOW you pay attention. -_-') And...I have to go study schoolwork before I fail. -_-* Bye bye. And yesh...the background...I, Firė...AM a spaz. XP Steal my picture and you shall die!! Well, not really. I made it at a dollmaker, and just changed the colors and background on Paint. I put those fire flames on the pants, too. Well, anyway, about my real life self|

Name| Firė. Bwahahaha.

Fvorite food| Erm.. *-smiles sheepishly-*

Favorite color| Uh....

5 reasons WHY I made this site....

My pages...or anything I like.

My 1st page
My 2nd page (Attacked in the first by Crazy.)
Michi and Rosilenni's page
Angel's(Preciousness's) Page