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~Chapter 1~

A black Toyota Camry pulled into the parking lot of Charleston High School.  The driver weaved back and forth through the crowded mass of cars.  First day of school traffic is never fun.  The driver pulled into a parking space near the back of the lot and put the car in park.  He faced his daughter and began to speak to her.

“Honey, I know you didn’t want to change schools, but this is for the best.  There are teachers here who can help you and give you a much better education.  I just couldn’t bear to keep you in that other school.  You were made to do much better things, and they were holding you back because of …..”  He took a deep breath in.  “Your condition”.  There, he had said it.  He gave her a warm smile. “Would you like me go with you to the office to get your schedule?”

His daughter laughed and waived him off with the back of her hand.  “Dad! No! I’m 16 years old.  I’m not a scared little kid anymore.  I can do it on my own.  Just make sure you’re not late to pick me up from school!” 

And with that, she quickly jumped out of the car and made her way towards the front office.  Many unfamiliar faces paused to look at her as she walked through the clicks of people.  Once she had passed them, they continued on with their conversations.

As she entered the office, she encountered a rather long line of students.  When it was finally her turn, she came face to face with a short woman with dark hair.  Her nametag read ‘Patsy’.  She watched Patsy’s face carefully as she spoke.

“Michelle Edwards?” asked Patsy with a smile.

“Yes maim,” answered Michelle, nodding her head.

“Oh, I see you have a special need,” said Patsy as she read Michelle’s file.  “Would you like an aid to accompany you to your classes today?”

Michelle blushed.  “No, I think I’ll be okay.  Just as long as my teachers know what’s going on I’ll think I’ll be fine.  I’ve been getting along for the past 10 years in my classes without and aid.  I’ll manage.” 

Michelle gave Patsy a fake grin, hoping this woman would not embarrass her by sending an aid to tag along with her on her first day of school.

Reluctantly, Patsy handed Michelle her schedule.  Michelle hurried off towards her first class.


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