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Chapter 6 - The Question

"Hey guys!" Lacey smiled as her and Morgan walked inside. Jesse and Greg got up from the couch and went to greet them.
"Yo Cody!" Jesse called. Cody came bouncing in with Isabel and Ian right behind him. Isabel and Ian raced over to Lacey and she smiled and picked them up.
"What?" Cody asked.
"Cody, this is..Morgan. Greg's cousin."
"Hi, I'm Cody Nicolas McCartney! I'm five years old, and I can count to five!" Cody giggled, and shook Morgan's hand.
"Hey Cody, nice meeting you!" She smiled sweetly.
"Is this Samantha?" Jesse asked, taking the baby girl with blonde curly hair, and big blue eyes.
"Yup, this is the famous Sammy Raposo." Morgan laughed.
"Haha, she's cool!" Jesse laughed.
"Dude, she's a baby." Greg stated.
"Yeah, but she's still cool." Jesse said.
"Greg be nice!" Lacey giggled.
"Yeah yeah, I'm thirsty. Anybody else want a beer or something?" Greg asked.
"I want apple juice!" Cody rose his hand high in the air.
"Ok, apple juice for the squirt. Does anybody else want something?"
"I'll have some beer." Jesse smiled.
"Yeah, me too." Lacey said.
"I don't want anything." Morgan blushed.
"So that's three beers, and juice." Greg shook his head and prepared the drinks.
They all had some lunch, and talked. Around 5:00, Lacey and Greg decided to get dinner ready while Jesse and Morgan talked. Cody, Isabel, and Ian were coloring again, and Samantha was sound asleep in the crib in the twin's bedroom.
"Morgan, can I talk to you?" Cody walked inside the living room where Morgan was sitting.
"Yeah sure, what do you want to talk about?" Morgan asked.
"Can we talk in...private please??" Cody asked with pleading eyes.
"Ok, c'mon." Morgan stood up, and Cody dragged her inside Greg's bedroom.
"What's up Cody?" Morgan sat on Greg's bed. Cody sat down next to her, and sighed.
"Well, my daddy said he loved you." Cody lied.
"What? I just met your dad." Morgan replied.
"He said he wants to marry you but is too shy to ask, so he wanted me to ask for him!" Cody lied again.
"Cody, I highly doubt your father saod that he wanted to marry me. What's really going on?" Morgan set the little boy on her lap, and he rested his head on her shoulder.
"Will you be my mommy?" Cody asked.
"Cody it's not that simple."
"Why not? My mommy died, and I never got to meet her, all the kids in pre-school have mommy's, and I don't! My best friend Max has a mommy, and he said that I would get one soon too! I really want a mommy!"
"Aww, if I can't be your new mom, than I'll be your friend ok?"
"But but!" Cody cried.
"C'mon, I bet supper is almost ready." Morgan kissed his head softly, and took his hand as they walked back out to the living room.