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Chapter 2

Three weeks had gone by and Acelin had spent nearly every day of those three weeks with Jesse. They were growing closer to each other and a love was welling up inside them, deeper than any one person could fathom.

Acelin sat in her bay window the next morning watching the rain pound against the window.

She sighed when she realized that she still had another hour to wait until Jesse would be there. She stroked the kitten absentmindedly and continued staring out the window.

“You’re so adorable, Socrates.” Acelin smiled as the kitten stared up at her and purred.

“You do know that talking to animals isn’t healthy, right?”

Acelin heard a familiar voice say. She turned around and saw Jesse leaning against the doorframe. She smiled.

“You’re early.”

“Yeah. Apparently they wanted to get started earlier than planned.” He replied walking over and sitting in front of her on the window seat.

“Oh… well, do you want to do something?” Acelin asked as she watched the kitten make its way toward Jesse.

“Sure. What?” He replied as he ran his hand down the soft white fur of the kitten.

“I don’t know. Do you have your car?” She inquired.

“Yeah… why?”

“Well, we could go somewhere.” She suggested.

Jesse looked at her for a minute before responding.

“We could, but it’s raining. You don’t like to get wet. Remember, Miss Priss?”

Acelin smiled. “Shut up. I’ll be fine. Let’s go down to the levee.”

“The levee, huh?” he asked with a sarcastic smile playing on his lips. “Isn’t that the make out place?”

Acelin blushed. “Well, um… it depends on how you look at it. I’ve never been there so, it’s not a make out place for me. It’s just the levee.” She stuttered.

“Uh huh… Well, I guess we could go to the levee. But we can’t get out of the car because it’s raining and it’ll be muddy.”

“Okay. Let’s go.”

They stood up and walked down the stairs to the front door.

“Okay, it’s really coming down out there. Here.” He said as he handed Acelin his jacket.

She covered her head with it and they ran to his car.

“Ah. That’s cold.” He sighed when they finally made it in the car.

Acelin laughed. “Well, I’m warm and dry.”

“Shut up.” Jesse smiled.

He started the car and they pulled out of the circular driveway.

It didn't take very long to get to the Levee and it didn't take long to notice they weren't alone. The rain had stopped and an ocean of couples found spots around the small dam as they continued their make out sessions with one another

"Well were here!" Jesse laughed as he made note of his surroundings.

"Yes we are," Acelin blushed.

"So what do you want to do, we could skip a few rocks or…that," Jesse wiggled his brown eyebrows with a grin as he looked towards the other couples.

"Well there are a few nice pebbles over there," Acelin pointed to a rock with pebbles nestled beside it.

"You aren't serious?" he said with a trace of disappoint in his voice.

"Maybe I am," Acelin grinned as she took a step towards the pebbles and glanced back at Jesse; he looked pretty distorted by her actions

"Then again how could I not kiss that adorable little face of yours?" she laughed as she pinched his cheek.

"Okay, never pinch my cheek again; It's like I'm kissing my Aunt Boo-Boo or something," Jesse shook his head as if to dispose of the image in his head.

"Aunt Boo-Boo?" she raised her eyebrow at the name.

"What you don't have an Aunt Boo-Boo," Jesse moved in for a kiss. Acelin took a step backwards; leaving Jesses lips kissing the air.

"Um…" Acelin looked for an explanation. How was she supposed to let him know she'd never actually kissed a boy before. She could do it wrong for all she knew.

"Is it something I said?" Jesse looked concerned. Did he do something wrong?

"No, I just…maybe" she searched for the words but her mind failed to piece the puzzle of the sentence she wanted to say together.

"Then what is it?" he asked as he looked into her eyes for some sort of answer.

“Nothing, it’s just…nothing” Acelin sighed as she took a seat on one of the unoccupied boulders. Jesse took a seat next to her as they looked around at the nature that surrounded them. She desperately searched for words.

“So uh, does my breath smell or something? Cause I have tic tacs in the car,” Jesse nudged her playfully.

"No your breaths fine," Acelin playfully nudged him back. "Okay I've never kissing a boy before…" she took a breath of air as she felt almost relieved to have said it.

"Really?" he grinned.

"Yeah don't sound too upset if I were to be a repulsive kisser," Acelin said sternly.

"Acelin you can't be a bad kisser," Jesse smiled to hide his laugh.

"Are you laughing at me?" Acelin said distastefully.

"No," Jesse smirked. "You just always crinkle your nose like that when you get defensive.

"I don't get defensive," Acelin retorted as her nose crinkled.

"See!" he laughed. Acelin couldn't help but laugh. Jesse looked into her eyes; this was his chance. He leaned in and their lips brushed against each other. Acelin was taken off guard, but eased her stiff tension quickly as she let their lips meet. Jesse wrapped his arms around her as he brought her closer.

It began to pour but by now Acelin didn't care whether she was wet or dry, she was happy just to be in his arms.