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Chapter 1

Stepping out of her family’s three-story Victorian home, the slender seventeen-year-old girl turned the page in her book and walked toward her favorite spot in the back yard. Oblivious to the fact that there was a world around her, she sat down on a bench that was in the center of the rose garden. She turned yet another page; her eyes wondering down each line pondering the meaning of the words that she would soon be adding to her already strong vocabulary. Leaning against the massive oak tree behind her, she closed her book and looked around her. Taking in the scent of the gorgeous roses, and the warmth of the radiant sun that was so brilliantly shining down upon her, she realized that everything was perfect. She had everything she could ever ask for.

Acelin reached down and stroked the white kitten that had followed her outside. Normally, she would be doing the exact same thing, only in her room. Today she had another plan. Her father had recently been doing a business deal with a local man, and today he would be coming over for lunch to discuss some things and close the deal. He was also bringing his son.

He would be arriving any moment. Her father had told him to arrive promptly at 12:00. Looking down at her watch, it was now 11:56. She picked her book back up and turned to the page she left off on. Two minutes and one and a half pages later, she heard the gate creak. Her father smiled as they walked toward her.

“Ah, Acelin.” Her father said in his deep bellowing voice. “I’d like to introduce you to Jesse McCartney.”

“Hello.” Acelin said, extending her hand to the boy in front of her. She had already met his father, so there was no need for an introduction.

“Hey.” He replied, shaking her hand lightly.

“I can see you’re into another book.” Her father interrupted with a stout laugh.

“Of course, daddy. It’s Danielle Steel. She’s an amazing author.”

“Yes, well, I guess Mr. McCartney and I will leave you two alone to get better acquainted.” Her father said as he started toward the house with Mr. McCartney in tow.

“So…” Jesse sighed as he sat down beside Acelin. “You’re 17, right?”

“Yes. What about you?” Acelin replied as she turned her body to face him.

“I’m 18.” He replied suddenly interested in his hands.

“Oh.” She replied studying him. She could tell that this was an awkward situation for him. It was sort of awkward for her too. She was used to it though. Her parents did this kind of thing to her a lot. Introducing her to someone that she didn’t know, and then leaving to let them get “better acquainted”.

“Yep.” Jesse sighed again.

“So, do you have a girlfriend?” Acelin asked a few moments later.

Jesse laughed. “Naw. I’m single. Why? Are you interested?”

Acelin smiled as her cheeks turned a light crimson color. “No, I was just curious.”

Jesse noticed how disconcerted she was and decided to toy with her a little bit.

“So, you’re saying I’m not good enough for you to be interested in?” He asked provokingly.

“No! No, no, I just meant that I’m not looking at the moment.” Acelin said her cheeks reddening even more so.

"Right... Well, that's good then, because I really would hate to turn you down." Jesse smirked.

"And why would you turn me down? Am I not your type?" She asked with a hint of agitation in her voice.

“Well, first off, you’re way too thin. You look anorexic or something. Secondly, you’re a little rich girl who probably gets anything she asks daddy for. I can tell that you’re a daddy’s girl.” He retorted in a hostile tone.

“And why is that a bad thing?” Acelin inquired.

“Oh, it’s not really a bad thing. It’s just that the Daddy’s girls don’t ever want to do anything. I mean, they’re always afraid of what daddy might think. I bet you haven’t even kissed a guy.” Jesse snickered.

“I have, so! How would you know, anyway? We just met! Remember? And I thought you said you were eighteen? Why are you acting so juvenile? Ugh!” Acelin fumed as she turned her back toward the boy next to her.

Jesse sat there for a few seconds taking in what had just happened. He started to laugh and pretty soon Acelin joined in.

“You know, even though we just met, I can already tell that I’m gonna like hanging around you. You’re like my sister. It’s easy to grind your beans.” Jesse grinned.

“Grind your beans?” Acelin giggled. “I’ve never heard that one before.”

“Yeah, well, it’s called a Jesse-ism.”

“Really…?” Acelin replied sarcastically.

“Yep. So when do you turn eighteen?” Jesse asked.

“Next month. I can’t wait. I’m thinking of going to Europe for a few months. I want to be a writer.”

“Sounds… interesting,” Jesse replied picking at a blade of grass. “Is that what you want to do, or is that what you’re parents want you to do?”

Acelin looked at him for a few moments without responding.

“Actually… I don’t know. I mean, I want to do it. Writing is and has been my greatest passion in life since I could read. But then again, my parents were importuning me about it the other night.”

“Oh.” Jesse responded just as Acelin’s father, Mr. Reynolds walked out of the house with his father.

“Well, I guess we’re leaving.” Jesse said standing up and extending his hand to help Acelin off the ground as well.

“Well, it was nice meeting you.” She smiled.

“Yeah, you too. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other, though.” Jesse retorted.

“Yes, me too.” She grinned.

“Well, I’ll see ya around.” Jesse said before walking off to catch up with his father. Acelin walked back over to the fountain and continued on with her book. However, she couldn’t stop thinking of Jesse. Would she see him again? Would it be some time soon? Her questions were soon to be answered.

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