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Initiations Through Generations

Initiations have been a part of world civilization since the beginning of time. Each initaition that a each world culture has bears a special significance. Whether it be a bar mitzvah to welcome a jewish boy into adolescence, or a quinces party to celebrate a girls coming of age, initiations have a profound meaning for every person. But, one thing is for sure, every genertation value certain things differently such as initiations. The purpose of this website is to show that as generations go by, people value different initiations more than others. Ever heard the expression from your elders, "when I was your age"? These four words have caused young adolescents/young adults to roll their eyes and not want to talk grandpaernts or parents. One thing is for sure, is that as time goes on and generations pass by, people value certain things differently. Take for example my family. When my elders and myself were around twenty, we were all going through very important and life changing initiation rites. Each of us thought up of a different initiation to be our most cherished memory. My grandfather chose his marriage to my grandfather his most important, while my father picked his initiation into a professional Nicaraguan baseball team his. While I consider my initiation into the Catholic Faith the most important.


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