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Emo Not a Type of Music a Way of Life

Whats up people! Ok so this is brand new so don't expect good quality. Sooner or later ill have my comp back and ill make it better but for now tough it out people ok anyways ill put some lyrics up sometime and and shows and stuff you know the whole 9 yards but anyways heres my story my names Mike and i live in cali and i guess i consider myself an emo boy yes i do think punkers are gay.But anyways if you want to talkt to me my aim sn is BloodyRomanceAce yes named after the great band SENSES FAIL!!! ok if you dont know me i love senses fail i would devote my life to them and live in there basement as there slave lol crazy i know deal with it...ill put up some tight pics and some mp3s later on in my website making time.well gonna go work on other parts of the site see ya!

Top Bands On My List at This Moment

Kick A** Websites

Official Senses Fail site
My favorite record label
Official A Billion Ernies site
Official Static Lullaby site
