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"...It Just Comes Naturally!..."


7/26/04 - SHOW TIME and ADDRESS!!!!

Hey Fother Muckers!!!! What the hell is going on!?!? Little Up-date on the show this Friday. Its at 7pm and Ryans Address is 349 Unionville Rd. Glassboro, NJ 08028-3505. YOU BETTER GO OR WE'LL EAT ALL YOUR FOOD!!!! Oh yea and dont IM my ass for directions...go on www.mapquest.com you lazy lump of poop.

Anyway...it should be fun...get to hang out with all you cool kids. Bring all your friends too....and your moms and dads and grandparents. And Ladies...I'm a slut and availble! :-P Just kiddin...i'm not availble, but i am a slut...err....i mean the opposite of that! Well anyway, its 1:38 am for all of you who aren't wondering....and i want some food and sleep. So i'm out of here. YOU BETTER COME TO OUR SHOW, SLUTS!!!! Later Kids and Rock On Fother Muckers! - C. Gunning

7/15/04 - PUREvolume Tracks Up!!

Hey Everyone! Sorry for the lack of Updates. We've been soo friken busy lately. Well actually I'm a huge liar and I'm really just lazy as hell and didn't feel like updatin the site. Anyway, I finally got the tracks from the acoustic demo up onto PUREvolume....even though we don't even play those song anymore!!! Those are songs to remind us of how sappy and emo we were and that I am a terrible singer. Well if you want to check those out and download them and show all your cool little friends, go right ahead. Listen at your own Risk Though!

We also have a "show" in like 2 weeks at Ryan's house in good old Aura, NJ. Its FREEE and there will be food, people, fat kids, llamas, cows, a toilet, and us playing some cover songs and other good shit. PLEASE come check it out! We have NOOO fans what-so-ever because Ryan scares them all away. PLEASE come and be our fan and our friend...and just have a good time hangin out with us.

There's going to be some merchandise available as well. I'm not really sure of the details but you can IM Ryan on AIM and he'll let you know everythign available. Well that's pretty much it for now. I'll try to not be lazy and update the site more often but I'm not promising anything...so F@$% OFF! Just kidding. Later! - C. Gunning


Next Show!

Date Address Venue Bands Ticket Price Time
Fri, July 30th 349 Unionville Rd. Glassboro, NJ 08028-3505 Ryan's House EOS and Still Frame will be there selling demos FREEE!!! 7pm - Whenever
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