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Heraldry in the Butler Family Line
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Per chevron gules and ermine in chief two lions' heads erased or.
Or a chief indented azure and three covered cups in bend or.
Per fess argent and sable a cross flory counterchanged between four mullets all counterchanged.
Vert a griffin passant or a chief ermine.
Argent a bend gules between three martlets sable.
Sable, a chevron ermine between three crescents argent.
Argent a fess sable in base a lion passant of the second.
Argent a griffin's head erased vert, holding in the mouth a bloody hand.
Argent on a cross azure five pheons or.
Vert a lion rampant or, in chief three mullets of the last.
Or a griffin segreant sable.
Argent, three roses gules, stalked and leaved vert.
Sable a stag's head cabossed between two flaunches argent.
Argent a bend sinister sable a counter-compony or and gules.
Ermine, three increscents gules.
Gules a lion rampant double queued ermine.
Vert a chevron or between three cross-crosslets floury or on a chief argent three stag heads proper.
Chequy or and azure on a canton gules a lion rampant argent.
Sable a pale gules between two fleurs-de-lis in chief and three chevronels or.
Gules a chevron counterembattled between three mullets argent.

Copyright 1999, R. Quintin Stephens Dragon Music Publishing