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Hey yall it's Abbey!!! I'm naturally blonde so don't ask where I got my hair highlighted cuz I didnt!! yes im stupid and i'm proud of it cuz its basically a talent to be this stupid all the time!! DEAL WITH IT!! I have a friend that doesn't fall down a lot, she just has gravity attacks and yeah, that's pretty much all I want you to know 'bout me sooooooo, yeah bye bye!!!

Hey I'm Anna!!! I'm blonde and ain't friends with gravity! Okay fine, I just have gravity attacks. As you can see on the videos I fall a lot... once again, I have gravity attacks! Gosh, you have a problem with that!!!!!!! ha ha ha Just kidding. I go to school and have a family! I have great friends and everything, our website is random so if you think its funny or stupid, well, it's supposed to be that way so dont say anything!

Hey, I'm Daniel and love making this webshow! I love to wear that cowboy hat and annoy my little brother Joe (yes, Joe and I are brothers). I have a dog named ranger and he is the awesomest dog in the world!! joe is my only brother and I enjoy acting, playing baseball and hanging out with friends. I hope you all love the show!

Bonjour, this is Caleb. I'm brown-haired and I love this webshow! My brothers love to annoy me and are very loud. I'm pretty smart and love science and stuff. SO DEAL WITH IT!!! I enjoy playing on the computers and I play French Horn in the school band. I love to put together Legos and Bionicles and really want to be a paleontologist/inventor when I grow up.

Hi, this is JOE, I can't believe this show! Some kids at my school say it rocks but some of them say it stinks but I would say 90 percent of the people like it and 10 percent don't. I would say my favorite segment is Mr. Skully. Make sure that you send a letter to Mr.skully from our website.