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Dj :i 0 n: [&] E m C e e|.|b E e

Dru's Dj Pics InFo oN Dj i0n InFo oN EmCee bEe EqUiPmEnT


Yo here to just to remind people Im still a DJ and I still dont have an A/C adapter for my mixer. Check out my band too.



Finally! I did something new with this site and now we have MUSIC MUAHAH...Enjoy :)



New addition! Im the new guy and I now make a duo...Im the co-designer of this website and at live shows I hold the mic!(basically an emcee w/o the rapping skillz)...My entries are going to be this color...see you soon!



My first GIG!!!! aghhhhhhhh Last night my dream came true and my sister Alice is the person I want to thank for getting me the job and Bee for helping me to set up all the shit. who0a!



Thanks to my cousin Yannan (YazZ) he got a old dj friend to help me out on some pointers and stuff thought me some good stuff. Gave me great advice, and now I got a gig comming up tomorrow (SYKED! UP!) well tell ya'll all about it.



YEA! I got my new mixer, I don't even have a AC adapter, that's what really sucks ass. Anyway I'm getting one soon ,and then finally I'll get to ho0k up my turntables to em.



Welcome to Dj ion's page, I mainly spin Hip-Hop. Today is the launch of the website that has just started today, there's not much, its pretty crappy too. Well enjoy!



Great Romances of the 20th Century|.|Taking Back Sunday
