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Tuesday, 15 July 2003
Another Entry on B2K!!!
B2k is O Soooooo Sexy!!!

B2K: Ready For Survivor? (word up! entry)
Home | JBoog Site | Lil' Fizz Site | Omarion Site | Raz-B Site

We recently talked to the guys about their survival skillz and what they would take with them on a deserted island. It seems they have thought things out pretty well. They might actually be prepared to go on SURVIVOR (or at least Get Me Ou Of Here. I'm A Celebrity)-but you be the judge!

Word Up!: If you all were stuck on an island together what three things would you take with you? Omarion: I would have to have enough food to last me three years. J-Boog: Three years? Omarion: No, I would have to have food to last me for infinity. All of us would have to have that. J-Boog: Toothpaste, soap and toiletries. Let's see, what else? Omarion: No man. Lil' Fizz: I'll use your stuff. Omarion: Toiletries, food and clothes forever. Yeah, that would work. Raz-B: No, we're stuck on an island. We can jump in the water. We've only got three things, alright? Omarion: Telephones don't work out there, huh? We will need the hygiene stuff. That's for sure. Lil' Fizz: I'd want a bed and a blanket. Raz-B: We are living on an island, guys! Omarion: Okay, a survival kit and a survival book. J-Boog: I've got mine...Give me food, and a cover. Lil' Fizz: I want a horse so I can ride my horse around the island. J-Boog: Oh, I got something...Give me a boat! That's what I want. Omarion: oh that's gangsta! Raz-B: That was a good one. (Laughs.) WU!: Thanks guys. That was fun! talk to you next month!

B2k Quotes

Here are some B2k Quotes!!! "Pop dat wata o!" -- Jboog "She waz whoopin on him... she waz lyke jboog! jboog! ShE wAz wHoOpiN on hIm!" -- Fizzle "i diDinT gEt aTtacKed bY a FaN, seE wHa hAd haPpeN WaZ wE waS wE wAs oN stAge aNd she tOok MeEh 2 dA gRoUnD anD waS on tOp of mEeH sEe bUt ShE wAsNt wHoOpiN on MeEh tHo i i i HeLd mUh owN thO sEe I gOt OuT" -- JbOog "wE FocuZed MaYnE!" -- Jboog "Ay SoN U gottA geT AlL up In mUh face Lyke DIz yO. And im SAYen U doNt knO me Son!" -- JbOOg "Um...Um...Um...wHaz Dat werD? itZ on dA tiP of mUh imma get baQ 2 daT!" -- RazB "iF DeY wuNa PouR WatA all Ova deyseLveZ itZ okay BuT mOp It uP if u GoN do daT but Dey LevE it dAr fo Uz 2 sLipp In" -- JBoog "BoY bOy Boy Oh BOY" -- fizz "iM on a DieT anD i caNt takE it No MooooRe! AnD we HUNGRY! HUNGRY HUNGRY! oooH Oohh! whA Wha?" Fizzle, RAz B, and Jboog "U see HoW he JuS gOn liE 2 U like DaT? DaS ReaL TACKY!" --Omari "giMMe sUm candy! gimmE sUm Candy! NO! (omari walkz off) -- Omari & fizz "We HuNgry ChRis. WE waNt sum Food. we WaNt sUm jumBaLaya Chris. Make Uz sum JambALAYa. TeLL him Raz. wE HunGry cHrIz we WanT sum JumBaLaya we We wanT sum JAmbalaYA" -- RaZ and Boog "wHu goT 10 dollAz? sEe im BroKe. i nEeD...Ay i gOt u (fizz busts out wit a velcroe wallet)" -- Razb and fizz "Jus HolD on2 Ya giRL hiP. AnD juS RiDe it...JuZ RiDe it" -- Rell "iM SiNgle LYke I AiNt eVen taLkin 2 nObody SiNglE!" -- JbOoG "i wAz TrYna dAnce BaD cOz i WaS tRynA geT awAy fRUm heR...shE couldnT dAncE" -- Fizz "dAt waZ 3Lw at numBer 10 i MeAn numBa 3...LMAO... oh Oh yEa" -- Raz "nOw fA muH bOi'Z, rAz B aKa EaT aLoT" -- rell "oMaRiOn akA biG cAkE hOlDeR, sTay aWaY fRuM dA sWeEtZ fO u tUrN 2 A grAin Of sUgAr" -- JbOog "sHorTy bEeN tReaTiN mEeH wRonG! i SeD sHorTy beeN trEatIn mEeH wroNg! wHoO wHoo WHoo! wHoO WhOo whOo!" -- boog and fizz "pOp dAt anD makE yo BoOty cLap LYkE fLiP fLopZ" -- nAzty Fizz " i NeEd 2 GeT mUh pAntZ LoOsE" -- jboog "da differnce between me an dthe fire i make this look good" -- Jarell "the difference between me and boog (SHUT UP!) is make thsi look better" -- FIZZ "YOU DONT STEP ON THAT RUG, YOU DONT TOUCH THAT RUG, YOU LET THAT RUG BE" --Boog "(singing) Dont you know no good" --Boog "(singing) Do you think I mean to hurt you?"--Rome "(singing) Noooooooo" --Fizz

Posted by music5/demyunghottbois at 7:17 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 23 July 2003 12:41 PM PDT
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Facts About The Razz Himself!!!
Here are some facts about Raz-B.

Birthdate-June 13,1985
Origin of nickname: "I got my nickname because of my raspy voice." The B2K sound: "We're a pretty edgy group; we're pretty hip-hop. I want our music to be memorable, so that years later a song will come on and people will know exactly what they were doing when they listened to it. We want to be legends."
Style vibe: "Sandals,shorts,that whole summertime vibe."
Free time fun: "I like to eat, play basketball, and wrestle
What he likes in a girl: "For her to be my friend, not so much my girlfriend; understanding, smart, and someone with goals. To sum it up, I want someone with a beautiful personality who is sweet, caring, and supportive of what i do." If I were an animal: "I'd be a cheetah. Cheetahs are fast!"
What the world needs now: "Love. Everybody's out for themselves. People got to share some love and listen to each other more"
Favorite foods: Jambalaya and all fast foods.
Favorite subject: "Science. I like to mess with stuff."
Favorite color: Blue Favorite TV show: Martin
Favorite movie: Cruel Intentions
Favorite book: Island of the Blue Dolphins
Professional goal: "For the group to be successful and the best they can be."
Personal goal: "I am young and not sure what I wanna do yet. I just know I wanna be a success in whatever I do."
Random Facts: Raz B's top 3 females are: Halle Berry, Janet and Jennifer Lopez

Posted by music5/demyunghottbois at 12:47 PM PDT
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Facts About Thhe "O" King!!!
Here are some facts about Omarion.

Birthdate-November 12,1984
Origins of nickname: "My first name is Omari. That means African king and "eon" means forever. My mom always told me,"Whatever you do, just be the best at it and you'll stay on the throne."
The B2K sound: "We like to sing about things that go on with kids, like school. When people hear our music I want them to just be full of joy and happiness."
Style vibe: "Kind of classy turtlenecks,leather jackets, a little cologne."
Free time fun: "I just chill with my boys,have fun,wrestle,play arcade games. But we also really love working on music, collaborating on songs. We wrote two songs on the album."
What he likes in a girl: "To be sweet, intelligent,very playful, and overall know what she wants from life. I like a girl that is playful and is an understanding , affectionate, loving and nice who likes to be around me and my friends."
If I was an animal: "I'd be a tiger. I'd want to be in the circus."
What the world needs now: "Caring. People don't watch out for other people enough. We need to be there for each other."
Favorite foods: Junk! Soda,chips,Gummi Bears
Favorite subject: "English. I like reading and learning different,sophisticated words, and new ways to word things."
Favorite color: red
Favorite TV show: Family Ties
Favorite movie:Bicentennial Man
Favorite book:All the Harry Potter books
Professional goal: "To be the biggest boy group ever!"
Personal goal: "To live a long and happy life and to enjoy every day."
Random Facts:
Omarion thinks Free of 106 is beautiful
Omarion likes a girl with a beauitful personality and who likes to wrestle
Omarion loves Janet Jackson.

Posted by music5/demyunghottbois at 12:39 PM PDT
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Facts About The Fizzle!!!
Here are come fact about Lil Fizz.

Birthdate-November 26,1985
Origins of Nickname: "I'm the rapper of the group,and Lil'Fizz means my rhymes bubble."
The B2K sound: "When people hear our music, they're going to get excited, they're gonna bounce!"
Style Vibe: "Boy-next-door."
Free time fun: "I like Play Station 2, wrestling,basketball and shopping."
What he likes in a girl: "She should have a lot of energy, beautiful eyes and a great smile. I like girls that are sleek, have a great personality...... and are smart,caring,and loving."
If I were an animal:"I'd be a chameleon, so i could get in with everyone."
What the world needs now: "Respect. People don't have enough respect for other people and for life itself."
Favorite foods: Creole food
Favorite subject: "Global history. I like to know what's going on."
Favorite color:Blue
Favorite TV show: The Simpsons
Favorite movie: Boyz in Da Hood
Favorite book: To Kill a Mockingbird
Professional goal: "To be the biggest boys group ever."
Personal goal: "To live a long and happy life."
Random Facts:
Lil Fizz's top 2 females he likes are: Sanaa Lathan and Stacy Dash
Lil Fizz likes a girl who is sweet, kind, understanding, and can freestyle.
If Lil Fizz was approaching a girl, he would say, "I was looking at you from a far, i thought u looked beauitful, can i get your number? Maybe we can be friends." (he's so cute lol)

Posted by music5/demyunghottbois at 12:33 PM PDT
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Facts About The Boogie Man!!!
Here are some facts about J-Boog:

Birthdate-August 11,1985
Origions of nickname:"My name comes from my dancing. My grandmother used to call me Boogie. I would always dance around the house. And the J comes from m first name Jarell."
On the B2K sound: "Our songs are about stuff kids can relate too, our album is fun! Whether you're male or female you can sing along; our songs are for everyone."
Style Vibe: "Sporty,laid-back."
What he likes in a girl:"To be real playful. Someone I could run around with, who's into sports. And she's gotta be someone who would be with me not because I'm in a group, but who likes me for me. Basically, I want a girl who loes me as I am and is playful. But yet she knows when i need to get serious with my work and understands the kind of work I do."
If i were and animal: "I'd be a lion, like my sign, because i like to control things."
What the world needs now: "Truth. People lie too much, and one lie turns into another lie,and another."
Favorite food: Jambalaya, shrimp curry, McDonald's,Taco Bell,
and Jack in the Box
Favorite subject: "Art. I like to draw."
Favorite color: red
Favorite TV show: The Simpsons
Favorite movie: The Temptations
Favorite book: Founder
Professional goal: "To really just reach to the hightest peak we can and have longevity and just make music that we love. We make music we feel in our hearts."
Personal goal: "To go to college when I am 18 and get a medical degree. I want to be a doctor that cuts people open and takes out their guts. Haha!"
Ramdom Facts:
JBoog is getting a c3 20 merdeces.
J-Boog's top 2 female ladies he likes are: Halle Berry and Janet Jackson.
J-Boog is known as the ladies man of the group
J-boog likes a girl with a challenge

J-Boog Hates...
when he is expecting a sunny day and its raining outside
when a show has been canceled
when he has to send his food back serveral times
when he doesnt have a chance to meet every fan
when he doesnt get to see his friends and family
when the sound system messed up
when the group misses a flight
when he misses a TV show he really wanted to see and forgot to tape it

J-Boog Loves...
getting to meet as many fans as he can
checking out the group's web site
eating in a resaurant that features food he has never tried before
meeting celebrities
learning new dance steps
time off to go somewhere sunny and exotic
checking out the group's new stage clothes
interviews with journalists who ask interesting questions
going to the mall and finally having money
getting to talk to pretty girls
writing music when the inspiration hits him
catching up on shows that he missed
working with his tutor and acing all his subjects
researching both school and leisurely subjects he enjoys on the web
getting new CDs by artists he loves before they come out

More of J-Boog's Favorites
Favorite midnight snack: vanilla ice cream with strawberry syrup
Favorite group: IMx
Favorite moment in his career: when B2K's album went to #1
Favorite high school moment: going on his first date
Favorite place to travel: Europe
Favorite dream: to see B2K as record company moguals in the future
Favorite charities: Make A Wish and March of Dimes
Favorite thing to do before going to bed: Pray
Favorite thing to do in free time: Go online and to the B2K message board
Favorite saying: "All for one and one for all"
Favorite thing about being a star: People being nice all the time and getting to meet people

Posted by music5/demyunghottbois at 12:27 PM PDT
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Also I have 4deep!!! They are a hott new group dats out now and they r tryna do it big. Although they don't have any commercials or radio appearances to let people know about them, they are having an album coming out July 29th. Believe me when I say it's gonna be hott!!! Just for those people who dont know 4deep consists of Alex Buffington aka Lil Brotha(speedy boy), Alex Edwards aka A.E. (so fly), Ryan Fluis aka Milly (MI2XLY), and Alex Coffin aka Ice-Kid (Ducky). They are all fine so I will try and put some pix on them soon.

Posted by music5/demyunghottbois at 2:25 AM PDT
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Lemme know wutcha think

get this gear!

Posted by music5/demyunghottbois at 2:21 AM PDT
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An Album of B2k
Dem Sexy Bois Photo Album

B2k Photo Album

Check out these hott pix of B2k.


Pix of Lil Fizz.

Lil Fizz Lesson

Fizz, I bet all yo fanz will get an "A" on yo lesson.

JBoog N Ebby (neva gone happen but u didnt here it 4rom me lmao!)

Posted by music5/demyunghottbois at 2:16 AM PDT
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Monday, 14 July 2003
Sum Mo Pix
a gallery

Here are sum pix
(Dem O So Sexy Bois!!!)

Click on a thumbnail in the left column to view a large image.

Posted by music5/demyunghottbois at 8:24 PM PDT
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my gallery

They are just too damn fyne!!!
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Posted by music5/demyunghottbois at 7:28 PM PDT
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