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Dinner For Two

Authors Note: This fanfic is rated "R" so please be aware before you read. Also I do not own Clay Aiken, nor do I know him. All characters and situations are purely fictional. Please send all comments to the e-mail addy at the bottom of the page! Enjoy!

Dinner For Two

I sighed to myself as I looked down at the clothes I had chose. Was it too casual for this occasion? Should I have put on something else. I bit my lip as I stared down at the white pants adorned with a sea shell belt and then stared into the mirror at my cute little flowered blouse. I shrugged my shoulders and then turned my attention to my hair. It was the last day in Feb. not even really Spring yet and the humidity was already killing my hair. I picked up my flat iron and tried to calm the curls. Once I had reached some level of satisfaction with my hair I set down the appliance and walked back up to the den.

Sunlight was pouring through the windows of my home. But in a matter of a few minutes the sun would begin its descent. Two candles were situated on the table and the setting of the light switch was dim. Rose petals were sprinkled all over the table. When I thought about what was being served the setting was almost comical. I wrung my hands nervously and sat down to wait.

I hadn’t been sitting two minutes when I heard the door swing open. I bounded off my couch and to the door. There he was, Clayton Aiken. I giggled as he grinned at me and pulled me into a huge hug, kissing the side of my head. His grin was one of those ones not everyone gets to see, the one reserved for his family and friends. A smile that I wouldn’t even begin to know how to describe, because its not what makes it so special is not how it looks but how it makes you feel. Clay is dressed in khaki pants and this red shirt that really brings out the color in his eyes.

In a matter of minutes we are joking and laughing, and just being dorks, washing away the weeks of separation. “How’s Kimberley Locke?” I asked. Clay pauses to carefully inspect my face before answering, “she’s doing fine and dandy.” he says. “That’s good, tell her I said hey.” I told him. “Have the nerves about tomorrow nights show sunk in yet?” I asked. He bites his lip and looks up at the ceiling like he’s really and truly thinking about it. “Well, they hadn’t until you said something.” He teased. “Babe, you do know Raleigh is the one town where you could mess up every single song and we’d still think it was the greatest thing we’ve ever seen.” I told him. “Oooh good, maybe I won’t be nervous and maybe I can skip practice while I’m at it.” He said raising his eyebrow at me. “Don’t you dare.” I said swatting him with a dish towel. He grabbed the end of the dish towel, “and why’s that?” he asked as he tugged the dish towel pulling me closer to him. “They deserve a good show.” I said my heart speeding up. Clay took a step back pulling me with him. “Why do they deserve a good show?” Clay asked as he yanked on the dish towel again pulling me even closer so that I was right up against him. His green eyes were sparkling and I willed myself not to get lost in them, it was too early for that. “Because we loved you the longest and the most. We supported you the most. We made you who you are today.” I whispered. “Oh really fool?” he said in his best Adam Sandler voice as he grabbed my kitchen hose and sprayed me with water. “Oh no you didn’t” I said as I wrestled his hand for nozzle and then turned the hose on him. “Stop, Stop” he giggled. But it was on now as he fought for control and sprayed each other mercilessly.

“I shouldn’t have done that” Clay said a few minutes later when we were both collapsed the kitchen floor. I grinned at him sticking out my tongue. “We are both soaked to the bone, I didn’t know one little kitchen hose could do so much damage.” He said. “You want to get some dry clothes?” I asked. We hung up the wet ones and then walked back up to the kitchen.

I began to set the table. I pull down the special china, which again seems kind of silly but I wanted tonight to be special. Clay looks at the china and smiles. He closes his eyes and I know that he is transported to another time and place. “All right mister, this dinner is a surprise so go on get out of here.” I say as I playfully push him into the den. “but, but, but” he objects. “No buts, just go.” I say sternly pointing my finger at his face. “Don’t point that thing at me.” He says as he takes my finger into his mouth. I grab onto the wall to keep myself from falling down. “Just go sit down.” I manage to breathe out. He eyes me seductively and I wonder if we will be able to make it through the dinner. He turns and flops down on the couch grabbing the remote control from inside the box that its kept in.

A few seconds later I hear the tv turn on and I turn my own attention to the table. I placed the china on the table and then got a huge stack of napkins for each of us. I got the food and placed it on the table. I returned to the living room to get Clay who is now conked out on the couch. I giggle as I sit down beside him and play with a strand of hair on his forehead. He opens his eyes wearily, "You and 'The Way We Were'" he says. I giggle as I say, "Honey, I hate to break it to you but you are no Hubbel Gardner." "Hey now!" he says suddenly full awake and tickling me everywhere his hands can reach. "dinn....dinn...dinners." I finally get out in between giggles. "why didn't you say so in the first place. I'm starved." "Well we can go into the kitchen, but you have to close your eyes." I tell him as I place my hand over my eyes. Which creates a strange picture, my 5'7" inch frame was having to stand on my tip toes to make sure that I was covering his eyes properly.

When we got into the kitchen I removed my hand and Clay doubled over in laughter. I laughed and went to go sit down. Clay beat me to the chair and pulled it out for me then walked to other side of the table and sat down. We held hands and said grace thanking the lord for this time together. Then we both dug into the homemade barbeque and hush puppies.

“Not quite mom’s but it will do.” Clay said in between shoveling spoonfuls into his mouth. “Well it had better be.” I said as I grabbed a hush puppy. “I guarantee you that it is better than Alabama barbeque. I still don’t understand how Kim and Carmen were the only ones that thought Carolina barbeque was better.” Clay said shaking his head at the memory. “I don’t know, I’ve never had Alabama barbeque.” I said with a laugh. “Its all right, I mean its not awful, but it is nothing compared to this.” Clay said. “Nothing compares to this.” I whispered softly. Clays green eyes connected with mine as he wiped his mouth. He reached across the table grabbing my hand in his. His long and delicate fingers always seemed to dwarf my own. He stood up and without saying a word, I followed him. He sat down on the floor of my living room and I curled up beside him resting my head in my lap. Some romantic comedy was on tv and we both turned our attention to it. Clay’s giggle would ring through out the room every few minutes. His hand was stroking my hair softly. It took me a little bit to realize that Clay wasn’t laughing anymore. I looked up at him and noticed that he was staring down at me intently, a familiar gleam in his eyes. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I decided to tease him a little, keeping my lips sealed tightly, his tongue was running over my lips trying desperately to gain entrance to my mouth. I heard him grunt frustrated and I giggled as I parted my lips ever so slightly. His tongue plunged inside my mouth assaulting me. I reached my hand up to entangle my fingers in his hair.

I broke the kiss for a minute to get on my knees in front of him. Then I captured his lips with my own once more. His lips moved to my neck running his tongue over the sensitive skin at my collar bone, as he knew how much I loved that. I kissed my “special spot” behind his ear and then assaulted his mouth once more. This was the Clayton that I knew and loved. His tongue thrust in and out of my mouth making me weak with desire. He undressed me slowly and sensuously, loving every area of my body as he exposed more skin. I wanted him more now than I had in a long time. I peeled his clothes of, taking a long minute to play with his happy trail. Then we were both naked, drinking in the sight of one another. I moaned as he entered me. What would his fans think if they knew where waldo was now?

A few minutes later we lay spent in each others arms. I loved the feeling of security and absolute satisfaction that I got when I was with him. I propped myself up on my elbow and smiled down at him. He grinned and kissed me once more. I lay back down resting my head on his chest. “I missed you so much.” he whispered. “I missed you more.” I whispered as he kissed the top of my head. He sat up for a second and smiled down at me kissing my neck and back softly. “You ready to have another go Mrs. Aiken?” he asked. I nodded and then giggled as he pounced on me playfully.
