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Page 3


I woke up Sunday morning
And looked upon the wall
The skeeters and the bedbugs
Were playing a game of ball
The score was 19 TO 20!
The skeeters were ahead
The bedbugs hit a homerun
And knocked me out of bed

I'm singin'
Catch a whipperwhopper
by the toe
if he hollers-hollers-hollers
don't let him go
singin' eninee-meenie-and-a-miney-mo

I went downstairs to breakfast
I ordered ham and eggs
I ate so many pickles
The juice ran down my legs

I'm singin'
Catch a whipperwhopper
by the toe
if he hollers-hollers-hollers
don't let him go
singin' eninee-meenie-and-a-miney-mo

I went back up to my room
To try and get some sleep
The bedbugs and mosquitos
Kept biting at my feet

I'm singin'
Catch a whipperwhopper
by the toe
if he hollers-hollers-hollers
don't let him go
singin' eninee-meenie-and-a-miney-mo

Three Little Angels

Three little angels
All dressed in white
Trying to get to heaven on the end of a kite
But the kite string broke and down they all fell
'stead of goin' to heaven
They all went to

Start the verse over, until there’s 1 left. At the end, sing:
Don't get excited
Don't lose your head
Instead of going to heaven
They all went to bed

Other versions include:
Three little goblins
All dressed in green
Trying to get to heaven in a washing machine
But the washing machine broke and down they all fell…

Three little devils
All dressed in red
Trying to get to heaven on the end of a thread
But the thread string broke and down they all fell…

Sunny Side

Sunny side, sunny side
Always on the sunny side,
Stay on the sunny side of life
2, 3, 4,
You will feel no pain
As we drive you all insane
So stay on the sunny side of life
(repeat until tired)
