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Butterfliez Headquarters

For whatever reason you've come here, thanx...Go ahead and check out my online journal at the link will tell you a lot about me...well kind of...most of the entries are under filter, but you can see SOME of what I got to say... Shooting Star is an awsome entertainment company my friend owns and I write for. Check it out and you can become a shooting star too! The Foundation is self explanitory. You'll see when you get there.... Each of these sites shows a little part of my life. They represent something I do, something I stand (or don't stand for) and the people I interact with. They represent things I want to do in the future and my hopes, goals and dreams....I hope you take time to check them out.... Also Check out DREAM! They're coming back and they're making an IMPACT! Join the I-Squad!
Join the i-squad now!

What I do?

Where I Go

My Online Journal
My Friends Journals
Shooting Star Entertainment
The Foundation