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Behind the band

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This is the website for the band; 4 deadly venoms. we're a new band starting out from minneapolis, mn, although this band is only about a month old we've been going through some problems but what band doesn't. anyways lets get introduced to everyone, our bassist is Kirk Gonyer, he just recently bought his bass but he's darn good at it, and then theres me the creator of this website, Jeremy Howe, and i play percussion, and then theres my bro phil, and he is our lead guitarist. and although our name is 4 deadly venoms we only have 3 people for now. We are looking for another guitarist and also that mite be able to sing also. and like i said we've been going through some troubles with our band which include our old guitarist which is now out the band. so you wanna know more? then click on some of our links.


Jeremy Howe
Last Modified:October 6,2003

get this gear!