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On A Bus

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On A Bus

Based on "Two of Us" (1970)
New lyrics written Sunday, March 30, 2003 @ 2:44 a.m.

On a bus headed somwhere,
you and I pair up today.
You and me won't be driving
thus no fighting as we go along.
We'll both get along,
we'll both get along,
we'll get along.

On a bus mending broke hearts,
disregarding who's at fault.
You and me sharing brownies,
with the townies as the bus moves on.
We're moving along,
we're moving along,
we're moving on.

Can I have another please,
soon before we undertake the road again?

On a bus, we again go
down the long road. Everyone's
grateful we caught the later
bus; the brownies help to get along.
We've gotten along,
we've gotten along,
while movin' on.

Can I have...
...the road again?

On a bus, down the long road,
we've become low on supplies.
You and me read the paper,
finding brownies between here and home.
I guess we'll go home,
I guess we'll go home,
we're going home.