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I Have a Brownie

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I Have a Brownie

Based on "I Am the Walrus" (1967)
New lyrics written Friday, March 21, 2003 @ 10:27 a.m.

I have tea as you have tea
as we have tea but nothing's on the plate, there.
See if they're done like pigs in a bun,
see how they rise, I'm pining.

Sitting on a shore lake,
waiting for the food to come.
Weather's for a T-shirt on a muggy Tuesday.
Man, it's been an hour boy, what's taking them so long?
When I'm in the kitchen,
no one is bitchin',
and I have a brownie.
Goo goo g'joob.

In the city, people sitting
patiently for brownies on the go.
I don't know why it's takin' a while
until they're done. I'm pining.
I'm pining, I'm pining, I'm pining.

A little yellow custard,
never hurt it on the side.
Got it from a housewife, gave it to a priestess;
it's an old recipe that's gone a bit around.
When I'm in the kitchen,
no one is bitchin',
and I have a brownie.
Goo goo g'joob.

Sitting in my garden, wond'ring what is going on.
Will I have to run to the store
and buy some already made?
When I run the oven,
no one is shovin',
and I have a brownie.
Goo goo g'joob.
Goo goo goo g'joob.

We are all a bunch of smokers,
fighting off mosquitoes with a shoe.
I know that I will have to refine
the ones you made. You're trying.

Salmonella filters,
everywhere upon the counter.
It's elementary, Watson; it doesn't take a genius.
Man, I'm just a-waiting,
reading Edgar Allen Poe.

When I'm in the kitchen,
no one is bitchin',
and I have a brownie.
Goo goo g'joob,
goo goo goo g'joob.
Goo goo g'joob,
goo goo goo g'joob, goo.
Joob-a, joob-a, joob-a...