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Give It Some Time

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Give It Some Time

Based on "I Feel Fine" (1964)
New lyrics written Saturday, March 22, 2003 @ 3:40 p.m.

Brownies have a way, you know,
of turning your physique, you know,
to jell-o.
After we all eat,
give it some time.

Brownies all the time, you know,
are nothing short of fine, you know,
but you'll grow.
After we all eat,
give it some time.

We've all had
a physical or two
come back bad
'cause we don't want to move

from our couch or anything, you know,
except for brownie things, you know,
I said so.
After we all eat,
give it some time.

The kitchen all the time, you know,
looks like a giant brownie mine,
you'd explode.
After we all eat,
give it some time.

We've all had
some dental work or two
state the fact
our teeth are rotting through.

Don't ya think it's time to quit, you know,
the brownies-on-a-stick, you know,
the teeth won't,
after we all eat,
hold up in time.
After we all eat,
give it some time