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well this is just another site of mine. it'll just have shit on sterff happenin in my life, otherwise known as diary entries... 25/06/03- betty lost her lead for her guitar. she's quite upset about it. i shall buy her a new one for all she's done for me.----------24/06/03- today is maries bday. it is also my other friends bday. they seem to have had a happy day. today i listened to "When Im Alone" by 3 Doors Down... i seem to be able to relate to it much... i also realised today something i havent come to admit to myself... my dream of becoming a musician has totally been wiped out...----------20/06/03- today i have was hit back with such great news that i've now learnt my lesson. my dear friend betty will not be here with us anymore after this term. how depressing.----------12/06/03- today is my bday. many flowers from my sweet friends again. they just love embarassing me with roses!! got money from relatives, clothes from mum and a new phone from dad... generally, i am quiet happy... as this has been the first time with all that is going on in my life
